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Run Mom Run651 viewsSeveral hundred runners and walkers participated in the Tiara Classic Mother's Day 5k Race on Sunday morning, May 10 in Mattapoisett. The event, now in its third year raises funds and awareness for the Women’s Fund of Southeastern Massachusetts while celebrating motherhood. Photo by Robert Chiarito.
Church Colors650 viewsA spectrum of colors now streams down from high above the altar through the newly-installed stained glass window inside Saint Anthony’s Church in Mattapoisett thanks to a generous donation made in memory of the late Paul and Morris Duchaine. A dedication and blessing of the new window will take place on Sunday, January 20 at 11:00 am immediately following the 10:00 am Mass. (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza).
Groundhog Cover Entry 2007649 viewsEntry for the 2007 Groundhog Cover Art Contest submitted by Abby Bentz
Masterpieces in Marion645 viewsMarion artist Peter Stone’s oil painting “Morning Crescent” is just one of the works that will be on display during the Marion Art Center’s Fiftieth Anniversary Invitational Show which opens on with a gala on Friday, June 22 with a reception to meet the artists from 6:00 to 8:00 pm. The Fiftieth Anniversary Invitational Show will be on display in both galleries at the Marion Art Center through July 25. (Photo courtesy of Peter Stone).
Mission to Marion645 viewsJamey and Justin Crisler, better known as ‘The Alabama Blues Brothers,’ will be bringing their tribute to the great Jake and Elwood Blues to Silvershell Beach in Marion on Friday, July 13 for the annual summer concert to benefit the Marion Police Brotherhood. The show will begin at 8:00 pm and tickets are $10 at the door, or free to those who have contributed to the Marion Police Brotherhood’s recent fund-raising campaign.
Antique Adventure645 viewsThis nautical display is just one of the many elaborate exhibits you can expect to see at the sixteenth annual Marion Antiques Show, to take place on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, August 15, 16 and 17 in the Fish Athletic Center of Tabor Academy in Marion. The weekend will include a gala preview party on Friday beginning at 5:30 pm and will continue on Saturday from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm and on Sunday from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm. (Photo courtesy of Kimberly Teves).
Sparky Makes the Rounds644 viewsSparky the Fire Dog had a busy weekend recently, making the rounds to Open House events at both the Mattapoisett and Marion Fire Departments on Saturday, October 11. Here Sparky greets visitors to the Mattapoisett Fire Department on Route 6. Both departments had demonstrations and presentations on fire safety, along with fun and games for the kids. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
Book Tree644 viewsLiz Sherry, the Young Adult and Adult Reference Librarian at the Mattapoisett Library, puts a star on top of the book tree on Saturday, December 1. The tree is comprised of recycled books left over from the book sale and is serving as a holiday decoration in the Young Adult section, which is currently being redesigned. Photo by Felix Perez.
Super Subs643 viewsAbout 35 students and 20 adult members of Friends of Old Rochester Music (FORM) gathered in the early morning hours of February 3 to make hundreds of submarine sandwiches in their annual effort to raise money for the Old Rochester School District’s various music programs. The sandwiches, ten-inch Italian subs piled high with toppings, were pre-sold in the days leading up to Super Bowl XLII at $6 apiece by the student musicians from all of the Old Rochester Schools. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
Puppet Parables642 viewsSparky’s Puppets will perform “Old Favorites” at Rochester’s Memorial School on Saturday, March 8 at 10:00 am. Watch Grandmother teach the wolf some manners in “Little Red Riding Hood,” give the “Three Little Pigs” some building advice, and help the little old lady who’s baking a gingerbread man by giving her some make-believe ingredients. This event is sponsored by the Tri-Town Early Childhood Council. Admission is $2 per person or $5 per family.
Class of 2009642 viewsOld Rochester Regional High School held commencement ceremonies for the Class of 2009 on Saturday, June 6 at David S. Hagen Memorial Field on the ORR campus. An overflow crowd of family, friends and faculty was on hand to look on as over 150 graduates received their diplomas. Photo by Robert Chiarito. (July 11, 2009 edition)
Groundhog Cover Entry 2007641 viewsEntry for the 2007 Groundhogs Day Cover Art Contest submitted by Danielle Kate Nunes
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