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Happy Groundhog Day678 views2009 Groundhog Cover Contest Winner
One Hot Weekend674 viewsA hot weekend in Mattapoisett! The Annual Harbor Days celebration provided a week of food and fun in the hot summer sun at Mattapoisett’s Shipyard park while former Boston Red Sox pitcher Brian Rose, along with special guest speaker and instructor ORR baseball coach Steve Carvalho, were showing students how to hit the high heat at Rose’s baseball clinic held this past week at Old Hammondtown School.
Gold!674 viewsThe Marion Art Center presents "Gold in the Hills: or, The Dead Sister's Secret", a melodrama set in the 1890's. The hero, played by Kevin Halligan (left) is framed for murder by the diabolical villain, played by Paul Kandarian (right). The heroine Nell, is played by Kimberly Teves (center). The play will be located in the Marion Art Center, and will take place on August 6, 7, 9, 13, 14, and 15 at 8:00 pm. Photo by Caryn Koffman
Triple Threat673 viewsOver two hundred athletes participated in this year's Mattapoisett Triathlon on Sunday morning, July 12. The athletes endurance was tested over a course which included a quarter-mile swim, a ten-mile bike ride and a three and three quarters-mile run. The race marks the beginning of the Mattapoisett Lions Club's annual Harbor Days Celebration with events including a craft fair, several suppers and a pancake breakfast , which unfold over the course of the week. Photo by Robert Chiarito. July 16, 2009 edition.
Tri-Town Bike Benefit671 viewsSeveral hundred children and their parents braved soggy conditions to participate in the first annual Pan-Mass Challenge (PMC) Tri-Town Ride for Kids on Saturday, May 19 starting at Center School on Barstow Street in Mattapoisett. The young bikers arrived with the goal of pedaling their way towards raising $10,000 in the fight to find a cure for cancer. Children ranging in age from 3 to 15 years were encouraged to participate in the bike rally benefit. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
Target Practice671 viewsWomen from throughout the region participated in the second annual "Women on Target" gun safety and training day held at the Fin, Fur and Feather Club in Mattapoisett on Sunday, May 18. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
Fruits of their Labor669 viewsMembers of the Souza family of Rochester — (l. to r.) Lori Souza, Tyler Souza, David Souza, Kerrin Souza, and Kayla Souza — all pitched in last weekend to help harvest this year’s crop of cranberries at one of the few remaining bogs in town. The family recently took over the bog in an effort to revive and continue the proud farming tradition for which the area has become known. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
Summer Sunshine668 viewsEnjoying the sun on the bike path in Mattapoisett. Photo by Paul Lopes. July 2,2009 Edition
Aida at ORR666 viewsPast and present members of the Old Rochester Regional High School Drama Club came together under the direction of Paul Sardinha for a remarkable three-day summer production of Aida, the acclaimed Broadway show from Tim Rice and Elton John, which was staged at the high school last weekend. The show offered great performances, lavish musical numbers, and eye-popping costumes and set design that thrilled the packed-house audiences each night. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
Cultivating Young Minds665 viewsSippican School teacher Stacey Soucy has lots to show these curious youngsters about the newly-planted community garden which students and their families helped cultivate and tend over the summer. The project was part of the school’s Spring Session Garden Club and produced both vegetables and flowers well into the new school year. (Photo courtesy of Jane McCarthy).
Bard Again665 viewsStudents in the Grade 5 and 6 Drama Club at Rochester’s Memorial School rehearse for their annual Shakespeare production which will be performed under the direction of Danni Kleiman on Thursday, April 10 at 1:00 pm and again on Friday, April 11 at 7:00 pm at the school. This year the club will proudly present The Bard’s Twelfth Night featuring 22 actors and six stage crew members made up of Grade 5 and 6 students with two additional Grade 4 students involved in the production. (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza).
Evita at ORR663 viewsDan Andrews as Che, Chelsie Nectow as Eva Peron and Tucker Johnson as Juan Peron rehearse for the ORR Drama Club’s upcoming production of Evita to be presented in the auditorium of ORR High School March 27, 28 and 29 at 7:30 pm with a matinee performance on Sunday, March 30 at 2:00 pm. Directed by Paul Sardinha with costumes by Helen Blake, the award-winning show by Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice tells the compelling story of an actress who married the President of Argentina. (Photo by Libby Johnson).
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