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Come Sail Away: Marion to Bermuda8576 viewsBillowing sails peppered the skyline as the first series of yachts in the 2005 Marion to Bermuda Cruising Yacht Race began their trek from Sippican Harbor in Marion to Bermuda on Friday, June 17. As of press time, the first vessel in the newly-sanctioned multi-hull class had already crossed the finish line. For up-to-the-minute results, check For a gallery of photographs and prints made to order, check out (Photo by and courtesy of Fran Grenon, Spectrum Photo).
Mattapoisett Mystery Man6822 viewsAcclaimed mystery author Robert B. Parker, who is best known for creating the long-running Spenser detective novels, will return to his hometown of Mattapoisett on Friday, July 8 for events to benefit the Mattapoisett Free Public Library. Mr. Parker will be doing a book reading and book signing at Center School, which he attended while living here. (Photo courtesy of Michael Barson).
Harbor Days in Mattapoisett4322 viewsThis painting, titled “Cat Off Ned’s Point Lighthouse” by Bea Johnson, is just one of the many art works to be included in the seventh annual Mattapoisett Historical Society’s Annual Art Show and Sale during Harbor Days Weekend, July 16 and 17, at the museum grounds on 5 Church Street. The event will take place from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm both days and will feature works by some 30 local artists. A percentage of each sale will benefit the Historical Society and the Museum and Carriage House will be open to the public, free of charge, during show times. (Photo courtesy of Bea Johnson).
Fiddlin' in Rochester2595 viewsRochester resident and accomplished fiddle player Tiffany Rozenas will be performing twice this weekend in her hometown. The Old Rochester Regional High School junior can be seen playing at the Rochester Grange Fair on Saturday, August 20 at 4:30 pm and then competing in the popular Fiddle Contest at the Rochester Country Fair beginning at 1:00 pm on Sunday, August 21. (Photo courtesy of Bronie Rozenas).
Blues From Man in Blue2406 viewsRochester Police Officer Johnny Barnes, who is also the author of two self-published murder mysteries, poses with a copy of his new CD, Known Offenders, which collects both brand new and previously-released material from his heyday as an active member of the Boston music scene. The music can best be described as blues-flavored-rock, akin to The Rolling Stones and Stevie Ray Vaughan. The busy patrolman is also currently working on his third novel, tentatively titled Dead on the Internet. (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza).
Bridging the Generation Gap2349 viewsRochester resident Jillian Jensen (center) poses with a few of her friends and fellow members of the Friends of the Elderly Kids Club which she founded some five years ago. The group makes regular visits to the elderly in area nursing homes and also collects Teddy Bears which they bring as gifts. Pictured here with Jillian are (l. to r.) Alec Govoni (Freetown); Bryce Govoni (Freetown); Danielle Hardy (Acushnet); and Kayla Govoni (Freetown). (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza).
Church Resurrected2155 viewsThe historic 163-year-old Mattapoisett Congregational Church recently completed a summer-long renovation project and will hold a formal rededication ceremony and open house on Sunday, September 18. The rededication ceremony will take place at 10:00 am while the open house will run from 12:00 noon to 2:00 pm on Sunday. (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza).
Back to School2126 viewsSummer’s over! Students throughout the tri-town area returned to school as early as last week. Here students file onto the bus just outside Old Hammondtown School in Mattapoisett at the conclusion of another school day. All schools in the Old Rochester Regional School District have resumed classes for the 2005-2006 school year. (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza).
Christmas Day Swim2051 viewsOn Tuesday, December 25, many Tri-Town residents braved the chilly temperatures and jump into Mattapoisett Town Beach for the 12th Annual Christmas Day Swim. All of the proceeds benefitted the Helping Hands and Hooves organization, which provides therapeutic horseback rides to people with disabilities. Photo by Felix Perez.
Cruisin' in Rochester2032 viewsIt just wouldn’t be summertime without the welcoming sight of classic cars filling the parking lot of the Plumb Corner Mall in the center of Rochester. A sizeable number of car owners and admirers filled the lot this past Monday night and enjoyed both the classic vehicles and some golden oldies music. The nostalgic car cruise event takes place every Monday evening in the lot directly across from the Rochester Town Hall starting at 6:00 pm and runs through the summer season. (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza).
2005: The Year in Review1987 viewsDepicted on this first cover of 2006 are 49 of the 50 covers we published in 2005. One cover is missing ... and astute readers were asked to find out which one and enter a contest to win great prizes!
Calendar Guy1941 viewsAl Hamer of Al’s Yankee Clipper in Marion shows off his wife, “Miss November,” in his latest 2006 “Survivors” calendar which depicts local women who are all cancer survivors either riding on or posing with classic motorcycles. The proceeds from the calendar, created by Mr. Hamer with his brother-in-law, David Blanchette, will benefit the American Cancer Society. (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza).
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