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Mattapoisett Yacht Club Annual Meeting16 viewsMattapoisett Yacht Club Annual Meeting and Awards Dinner was held on October 19 at the Century House in Acushnet.
Wareham Gatemen15 viewsWareham Gatemen, who visited with Old Rochester Youth Baseball and conducted a clinic on Saturday morning at Gifford Park in Rochester. The Cape Cod Baseball League team worked with Tri-Town players on hitting, fielding, base running and T-ball. Action photos by Mick Colageo, group photo courtesy of ORYB
Old Rochester Regional High School football team15 viewsthe Old Rochester Regional High School football team during a recent game in the Cape Cod 7v7 League, a traditional Wednesday night tune-up schedule for the MIAA fall season that fast approaches. Photos by Ryan Feeney
anMass Challenge15 viewsRochester Memorial School teacher Debbi Bacchiocchi has become a regular rider of the PanMass Challenge, joining other Tri-Town community members in the mission to cure cancer. Here, she is pictured with Old Rochester Regional High School Athletic Director Bill Tilden and also with fellow Rochester residents Lazaro Rosa and Keith Riquinha at the start of the race on Day One. Bacchiocchi victoriously celebrated reaching Provincetown on Day Two and offered a look at the back of her racing shirt. Photos courte
Old Rochester Youth Football 8U 15 viewsOld Rochester Youth Football 8U
Old Rochester Regional Unified Basketball 15 viewsThe Old Rochester Regional Unified Basketball team capped off its 2022-23 season with a 72-51 victory over Tri-Town Police officers at the high school. Try as they might, the local officers were unable to contain ORR’s Unified team, made up of special-needs athletes and partners who together played a fall schedule of games against other schools.
Opening Day15 viewsRick Plunkett throws out the first pitch in memory of his son Ryan Plunkett, for whom the Old Rochester Youth Baseball League has commemorated a new award going to the league’s best pitcher. Rick Plunkett is also pictured with Rochester Police Officer Austin Alves, who was Ryan Plunkett’s catcher when the two played together on the A’s of the ORYB Major League. Alves recalled a home run Ryan Plunkett hit over the left-field wall that got caught up in the top of the batting cage at Gifford Park.
Mattapoisett Road Race15 viewsA humid atmosphere challenged the competitors, but the Mattapoisett Road Race was nonetheless conquered by over 1,000 runners. Photos by Ryan Feeney
Patriot Half Triathlon15 viewsRiders and runners navigated overlapping courses on North Street in Rochester during the Patriot Half Triathlon held on June 15. Photos by Mick Colageo
Lions Club Triathlon15 views2024 Old Rochester High School graduate Tyler Young of Marion and Heather Peckham of Middletown, Rhode Island, finished first in the respective men’s and women’s categories of Sunday morning’s Lions Club Triathlon at the Mattapoisett Town Beach. Young, 18, will join the UMass Lowell cross-country and track programs next month. Photos by Mick Colageo and Robert Pina
Wareham Gatemen14 viewsWareham Gatemen, who visited with Old Rochester Youth Baseball and conducted a clinic on Saturday morning at Gifford Park in Rochester. The Cape Cod Baseball League team worked with Tri-Town players on hitting, fielding, base running and T-ball. Action photos by Mick Colageo, group photo courtesy of ORYB
Old Rochester Youth Football 8U 14 viewsOld Rochester Youth Football 8U
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