The Wanderer Photo Gallery

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Amos, the reading greyhound266 viewsAmos, the reading greyhound, is now at home at the Plumb Library after over a year as Rochester’s newest literate dog. On Saturday, Autumn Simmons and her Dad Matt read several of Autumn’s favorite books to Amos who listened attentively, took a nap, and gave a thank you hug before leaving. Photos by Jean PerryApr 11, 2018
Amos, the reading greyhound256 viewsAmos, the reading greyhound, is now at home at the Plumb Library after over a year as Rochester’s newest literate dog. On Saturday, Autumn Simmons and her Dad Matt read several of Autumn’s favorite books to Amos who listened attentively, took a nap, and gave a thank you hug before leaving. Photos by Jean PerryApr 11, 2018
ORR Destination Imagination239 viewsORR Destination Imagination Senior Level Team ‘H Squared’ advances to Destination Imagination's Global Finals after winning the State Tournament at WPI. Pictured here: Ben Lafrance, Maggie Farrell, Kelsea Kidney, Tina Rood, Patrick O’Neil and Brett Rood. Photo courtesy Tina RoodApr 11, 2018
Leaves of ‘Sass’ 476 viewsApril is, among other things, National Poetry Month, and the ‘poet-tree’ at the Mattapoisett Library keeps growing with new poem leaves springing up every day. We especially liked the message on this leaf: “When life gives you lemons, make orange juice. Be unique.” Right on, young sassy poet… Stop by and post a poem of your own before April is over. Photo by Jean PerryApr 11, 2018
Marion Natural History Museum254 viewsThe Marion Natural History Museum wishes to thank Blake Dinius, entomologist with the Plymouth County Extension Service, for sharing his knowledge of our backyard bugs. Did you know that the cecropia moth is Massachusetts’ largest insect? And that it has a wingspan of up to 6 inches? Blake also brought in a live praying mantis and many specimens of moths and winged insects under glass to take a close up look at with magnifiers. The museum also wishes to thank all the volunteers who helped with the program Apr 11, 2018
Marion Natural History Museum215 viewsThe Marion Natural History Museum wishes to thank Blake Dinius, entomologist with the Plymouth County Extension Service, for sharing his knowledge of our backyard bugs. Did you know that the cecropia moth is Massachusetts’ largest insect? And that it has a wingspan of up to 6 inches? Blake also brought in a live praying mantis and many specimens of moths and winged insects under glass to take a close up look at with magnifiers. The museum also wishes to thank all the volunteers who helped with the program Apr 11, 2018
Marion Natural History Museum240 viewsThe Marion Natural History Museum wishes to thank Blake Dinius, entomologist with the Plymouth County Extension Service, for sharing his knowledge of our backyard bugs. Did you know that the cecropia moth is Massachusetts’ largest insect? And that it has a wingspan of up to 6 inches? Blake also brought in a live praying mantis and many specimens of moths and winged insects under glass to take a close up look at with magnifiers. The museum also wishes to thank all the volunteers who helped with the program Apr 11, 2018
Marion Natural History Museum222 viewsThe Marion Natural History Museum wishes to thank Blake Dinius, entomologist with the Plymouth County Extension Service, for sharing his knowledge of our backyard bugs. Did you know that the cecropia moth is Massachusetts’ largest insect? And that it has a wingspan of up to 6 inches? Blake also brought in a live praying mantis and many specimens of moths and winged insects under glass to take a close up look at with magnifiers. The museum also wishes to thank all the volunteers who helped with the program Apr 11, 2018
Basketball Bonanza Fundraiser478 viewsOn March 20, Sippican Elementary School's sixth-graders narrowly defeated the teacher-parent team at their Basketball Bonanza Fundraiser for their annual Three-Day Appalachian Mountain Classroom (AMC) field trip. At the game, the students were elated when two area businesses each presented a check for over $600. The community has really come together to make sure every sixth grader gets to experience this amazing trip! Photo courtesy Sippican Sixth Grade Parents GroupApr 04, 2018
Basketball Bonanza Fundraiser444 viewsOn March 20, Sippican Elementary School's sixth-graders narrowly defeated the teacher-parent team at their Basketball Bonanza Fundraiser for their annual Three-Day Appalachian Mountain Classroom (AMC) field trip. At the game, the students were elated when two area businesses each presented a check for over $600. The community has really come together to make sure every sixth grader gets to experience this amazing trip! Photo courtesy Sippican Sixth Grade Parents GroupApr 04, 2018
Basketball Bonanza Fundraiser451 viewsOn March 20, Sippican Elementary School's sixth-graders narrowly defeated the teacher-parent team at their Basketball Bonanza Fundraiser for their annual Three-Day Appalachian Mountain Classroom (AMC) field trip. At the game, the students were elated when two area businesses each presented a check for over $600. The community has really come together to make sure every sixth grader gets to experience this amazing trip! Photo courtesy Sippican Sixth Grade Parents GroupApr 04, 2018
Weed is the Word 453 viewsWe visited BASK, the 10,000 square-foot medicinal marijuana cultivation operation and dispensary in Fairhaven that recently opened on Pequod Way, and toured the facility with Mattapoisett resident and BASK CEO Chapman “Chappy” Dickerson. Dickerson says the family-run business sees plenty of “average, regular” folks from Mattapoisett who have chosen marijuana as an alternative to addictive prescription drugs. April 2 was the day dispensaries could apply for dual licenses for both medicinal and recreational mApr 04, 2018
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