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108th Annual Rochester Grange Fair 244 viewsThe 108th Annual Rochester Grange Fair was held on August 18 with a wide variety of produce, floral bouquets, baked goods, handicrafts, and works of art. The state first place winner for her diorama depicting a barn that contained fresh eggs and produce was Susan Guiducci of Dartmouth. There were a total of 35 entries vying for other blue ribbons in many other categories. Sue LaFluer, grange secretary and one of the fair organizers said that participants ranged in age from 6 years of age and beyond. Aug 23, 2018
108th Annual Rochester Grange Fair 238 viewsThe 108th Annual Rochester Grange Fair was held on August 18 with a wide variety of produce, floral bouquets, baked goods, handicrafts, and works of art. The state first place winner for her diorama depicting a barn that contained fresh eggs and produce was Susan Guiducci of Dartmouth. There were a total of 35 entries vying for other blue ribbons in many other categories. Sue LaFluer, grange secretary and one of the fair organizers said that participants ranged in age from 6 years of age and beyond. Aug 23, 2018
108th Annual Rochester Grange Fair 237 viewsThe 108th Annual Rochester Grange Fair was held on August 18 with a wide variety of produce, floral bouquets, baked goods, handicrafts, and works of art. The state first place winner for her diorama depicting a barn that contained fresh eggs and produce was Susan Guiducci of Dartmouth. There were a total of 35 entries vying for other blue ribbons in many other categories. Sue LaFluer, grange secretary and one of the fair organizers said that participants ranged in age from 6 years of age and beyond. Aug 23, 2018
108th Annual Rochester Grange Fair 244 viewsThe 108th Annual Rochester Grange Fair was held on August 18 with a wide variety of produce, floral bouquets, baked goods, handicrafts, and works of art. The state first place winner for her diorama depicting a barn that contained fresh eggs and produce was Susan Guiducci of Dartmouth. There were a total of 35 entries vying for other blue ribbons in many other categories. Sue LaFluer, grange secretary and one of the fair organizers said that participants ranged in age from 6 years of age and beyond. Aug 23, 2018
USCGC Eagle354 viewsArthur Damaskos shared these great photos of the USCGC Eagle coming into New Bedford Harbor on August 10.Aug 15, 2018
USCGC Eagle355 viewsArthur Damaskos shared these great photos of the USCGC Eagle coming into New Bedford Harbor on August 10.Aug 15, 2018
USCGC Eagle338 viewsArthur Damaskos shared these great photos of the USCGC Eagle coming into New Bedford Harbor on August 10.Aug 15, 2018
ORCTV337 viewsORCTV proudly presents its new successful ORCTV TV production educational programming at ORR, Old Colony, and the three Tri-Town elementary schools. ORCTV has restructured its educational influence at the schools and has experienced an increased interest in TV production, leading to further expansion inside the schools. Photos courtesy of ORCTVAug 15, 2018
ORCTV340 viewsORCTV proudly presents its new successful ORCTV TV production educational programming at ORR, Old Colony, and the three Tri-Town elementary schools. ORCTV has restructured its educational influence at the schools and has experienced an increased interest in TV production, leading to further expansion inside the schools. Photos courtesy of ORCTVAug 15, 2018
ORCTV335 viewsORCTV proudly presents its new successful ORCTV TV production educational programming at ORR, Old Colony, and the three Tri-Town elementary schools. ORCTV has restructured its educational influence at the schools and has experienced an increased interest in TV production, leading to further expansion inside the schools. Photos courtesy of ORCTVAug 15, 2018
ORCTV340 viewsORCTV proudly presents its new successful ORCTV TV production educational programming at ORR, Old Colony, and the three Tri-Town elementary schools. ORCTV has restructured its educational influence at the schools and has experienced an increased interest in TV production, leading to further expansion inside the schools. Photos courtesy of ORCTVAug 15, 2018
ORCTV313 viewsORCTV proudly presents its new successful ORCTV TV production educational programming at ORR, Old Colony, and the three Tri-Town elementary schools. ORCTV has restructured its educational influence at the schools and has experienced an increased interest in TV production, leading to further expansion inside the schools. Photos courtesy of ORCTVAug 15, 2018
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