
Brownie Girl Scout Troop 90 viewsBrownie Girl Scout Troop 67047 hiked the Sippican Land Trust Osprey walk in Marion on Sunday. Ms. Jerline used her Nature Anatomy book to help the girls identify plants. Ms. Liz and Ms. Alda helped the girls carry a tune as they learned three new songs for their Girl Scout Way badge. Ms. Tia helped remind them to maintain their 6 feet of distance with her yardstick and keep their masks on— they did so well! We welcomed a new girl from Acushnet. Sep 30, 2020

Brownie Girl Scout Troop 90 viewsBrownie Girl Scout Troop 67047 hiked the Sippican Land Trust Osprey walk in Marion on Sunday. Ms. Jerline used her Nature Anatomy book to help the girls identify plants. Ms. Liz and Ms. Alda helped the girls carry a tune as they learned three new songs for their Girl Scout Way badge. Ms. Tia helped remind them to maintain their 6 feet of distance with her yardstick and keep their masks on— they did so well! We welcomed a new girl from Acushnet. Sep 30, 2020

Brownie Girl Scout Troop 90 viewsBrownie Girl Scout Troop 67047 hiked the Sippican Land Trust Osprey walk in Marion on Sunday. Ms. Jerline used her Nature Anatomy book to help the girls identify plants. Ms. Liz and Ms. Alda helped the girls carry a tune as they learned three new songs for their Girl Scout Way badge. Ms. Tia helped remind them to maintain their 6 feet of distance with her yardstick and keep their masks on— they did so well! We welcomed a new girl from Acushnet. Sep 30, 2020

Brownie Girl Scout Troop 92 viewsBrownie Girl Scout Troop 67047 hiked the Sippican Land Trust Osprey walk in Marion on Sunday. Ms. Jerline used her Nature Anatomy book to help the girls identify plants. Ms. Liz and Ms. Alda helped the girls carry a tune as they learned three new songs for their Girl Scout Way badge. Ms. Tia helped remind them to maintain their 6 feet of distance with her yardstick and keep their masks on— they did so well! We welcomed a new girl from Acushnet. Sep 30, 2020

Marion natural History Museum104 viewsThe Museum hosted a very popular program for adults who wanted to learn a little about slowing down and becoming more aware of the health benefits of the forest. Professional forest bathing guide and author Nadine Mazzola led our group through some simple and restful exercises such as "the pleasures of presence" and noticing "what's in motion", to slow down and allow the forest to help us relax and feel more joyful. Sep 30, 2020

Long Plain Road185 viewsEllie Higgins shared a picture of one of her favorite trees located on Long Plain Road
Sep 30, 2020

CARES Act 104 viewsFrom left, Marion Finance Director Judy Mooney, Town Administrator Jay McGrail, Board of Selectman Chairperson Randy Parker, Plymouth County Treasurer Thomas O’Brien, County Commissioner Sandra Wright, and County Commissioner Greg Hanley were at the steps of Taber Library on Friday for the presentation of the first CARES Act reimbursement check and a framed map of Marion. Photos by Mick ColageoSep 30, 2020

Sippican Lands Trust187 viewsSippican Lands Trust held its Grab ‘n Go Oyster ‘n More Fest fundraiser at the Marion Council on Aging. Photo by Shawn SweetSep 23, 2020

Harvest Time192 viewsIt’s harvest season and nothing says autumn like pumpkins. The orange is ablaze, as seen here at Cervelli Farm in Rochester. Photo by Ryan Feeney September 24, 2020 editionSep 23, 2020

Mattapoisett Historical Commission165 viewsHope springs eternal as volunteers and members of the Mattapoisett Historical Commission recently planted daffodil bulbs at Shipyard Park around memorial brick locations. Pictured is volunteer Paul Coderre. Photo by Marilou NewellSep 23, 2020

Mattapoisett Women’s Club 170 viewsThe Mattapoisett Women’s Club held an outdoors BYO lunch at Ned’s Point last week. Photos by Jennifer ShepleySep 23, 2020

Mattapoisett Women’s Club 149 viewsThe Mattapoisett Women’s Club held an outdoors BYO lunch at Ned’s Point last week. Photos by Jennifer ShepleySep 23, 2020
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