The Wanderer Photo Gallery

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Drive-thru Trick-or-treating142 viewsThe Mattapoisett Police and Fire Departments held drive-thru trick-or-treating events on Halloween to boost spirits! Photos courtesy Erin O. BednarczykNov 04, 2020
Early Voting228 viewsThe Town of Marion’s 2,430 early-voting ballots sit on a table in the office of Town Clerk Lissa Magauran on Monday morning, ready to be removed from their envelopes and processed. The early ballots represent 56 percent of the town’s 4,374 registered voters. As of October 30, another 100 requested early ballots had gone unreturned. Of Marion’s 2,430 early ballots, 830 were cast in person at the Town House, the rest sent by mail. November 5, 2020 editionNov 04, 2020
SeahorsePumpkin246 viewsOct 28, 2020
Rochester Cares154 viewsPlymouth County Treasurer Thomas O’Brien presents the first CARES Act reimbursement check to Rochester Town Administrator Suzanne Szyndlar on Friday outside Town Hall. Pictured from left: COA Director Cheryl Randall, Selectman Brad Morse, Selectman Paul Ciaburri, Thomas O’Brien, Suzanne Szyndlar, Fire Chief Scott Weigel, and Administrative Assistant Amanda Baptiste. Photo by Mick ColageoOct 28, 2020
Mattapoisett Women’s Club 162 viewsThe Mattapoisett Women’s Club was on hand October 24 in the sun at Ned’s Point selling daffodil bulbs, cloth bags commemorating 100 years of women’s right to vote, and individual notecards and postcards. Photo by Jennifer ShepleyOct 28, 2020
Mattapoisett Planning Board164 viewsMembers of the Mattapoisett Planning Board, Historical and Conservation Commissions, along with abutters and interested parties, met for a site visit on October 25 with members of SunRaise Solar, LLC, who propose to construct a more than 7-megawatt solar array on property located off Randall Lane. A Planning Board meeting on October 19 opened a site plan review hearing heavily attended by abutters who expressed their concerns regarding the historic stone bridge over River Road and the suitability of RandallOct 28, 2020
Marion Natural History Museum133 viewsOn October 24, the Marion Natural History Museum held a “Marion Archaeology Day” at the Marion Music Hall. We welcomed Dianna Doucette and Erin Flynn of Public Archaeology Labs (PALS), who had conducted a survey of the museum’s artifacts in 1998. Dianna and Erin helped us understand some of the history of the area over the past 10,000 years, from the Wampanoag people through the colonists and beyond. They explained how their company might become involved in the investigation of these sites, usually through Oct 28, 2020
Deb Perry241 viewsMook is festooned for the big Pumpkin day! Photo by Deb PerryOct 28, 2020
2020 halloween Cover Contest266 views2020 Halloween Cover Contest by Zoe MottaOct 28, 2020
2020 halloween Cover Contest283 views2020 Halloween Cover Contest by Lucas RodriguesOct 28, 2020
2020 halloween Cover Contest244 views2020 Halloween Cover Contest by Holly LangenfeldOct 28, 2020
2020 halloween Cover Contest248 views2020 Halloween Cover Contest by Andrew HebertOct 28, 2020
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