The Wanderer Photo Gallery

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"Play Ball" ... Opening Day in Rochester1498 viewsBall players representing several of the teams which comprise Rochester Youth Baseball (RYB) were on hand to participate in this season’s “Opening Day” Parade in Rochester center. Despite inclement weather, the event drew a sizeable crowd and the teams joined in an orderly procession from the town green to the Dexter Lane baseball field last weekend. (Photo by Nancy MacKenzie).Apr 11, 2006
To Dream the Impossible Dream1141 viewsThe ORR Drama Club production of Man of La Mancha. (Photo by Nancy MacKenzie).Apr 04, 2006
Tilting at Windmills980 viewsThe ORR Drama Club production of Man of La Mancha. (Photo by Nancy MacKenzie).Apr 04, 2006
Goal to Gold1573 viewsRecently a group of Mattapoisett kids were involved in a hockey tournament in Montreal, Canada, where they were successful in winning the Gold Medal. Congratulations to the Hetland Panthers Squirt Hockey Team for capturing the Gold Medal at the CAN/AM Challenge Cup in Montreal, Canada. Mattapoisett Team members pictured here include (clockwise) James Gamache, Cameron Severino, Shane “Shaniack” Mathews, and Connor Severino.Apr 04, 2006
ORR NHS Inductee1065 viewsSarah Walsh of Marion is congratulated at becoming an inductee into the National Honor Society (NHS) by Old Rochester Regional Junior High School Principal Simonne Conlon during ceremonies held on March 29. Forty-eight students from ORR Junior High School became NHS members during the event.Apr 04, 2006
Viewing Vernal Pools953 viewsLuke Gauvin examines a specimen under the microscope during the Marion Natural History Museum’s recent program on Vernal Pools, held at the museum above the Elizabeth Taber Library. The program focused on the various insect, plant and animal life in the local vernal pools. (Photo by Nancy MacKenzie).Apr 04, 2006
Mock Trial in Marion962 views“Anne Hutchinson” (Christina Hai) is sworn in by real-life Attorney Laura O’Rourke during Sippican School’s recent mock trial, The Massachusetts Bay Colony vs. Anne Hutchinson. The Marion students learned about the trial from 1637 where Ms. Hutchinson was banished from the colony for allegedly being “a woman not fit for society” because of her religious beliefs.Apr 04, 2006
Beneath the Buddha1206 viewsWareham resident Stephanie Caron, who grew up in Marion, poses in front of the largest outdoor sitting Buddha in the world located just outside Hong Kong with a copy of The Wanderer during a recent trip.Mar 29, 2006
Learning to Fly1142 viewsTony and Diane Lopes pose with their daughter Heather and her husband Lieutenant Josh Shultz in front of Josh’s T34 training plane with a copy of The Wanderer at the Naval Air Station in Pensacola where he is training to be a Naval Aviator.Mar 29, 2006
Sun and Fun1128 viewsGabby Hoag poses with The Wanderer at the Soggy Dollar in Jost Van Dyke, BVI’s, during February vacation. (Photo by Betsy Hoag).Mar 29, 2006
Tokyo Traveler1122 viewsMary Beth Redman poses at Narita International Airport in Tokyo during a recent trip with a copy of The Wanderer. (Photo by and courtesy of Paul Lopes).Mar 29, 2006
ORR Sportsmanship1248 viewsOld Rochester Regional High School Athletic Director Bob Catalini recently announced that the South Coast Conference awarded three of the school’s winter sports teams with the coveted SCC Sportsmanship Award. Congratulations to the Boys Basketball Team; the Girls Indoor Track Team; and the Boys Ice Hockey Team. Bob also announced that Patrick Haverty, a senior on the ORR Hockey Team, received the individual Sportsmanship Award. (L. to R.) ORR Athletic Director Bob Catalini, Pat Haverty and Coach Jay Hiller.Mar 28, 2006
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