Memorial Day 2007663 viewsA small soldier displays his patriotism during Marion's Annual Memorial Day Parade held on Monday morning, May 28. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).May 29, 2007
Memorial Day 2007705 viewsBoard of Selectmen Chairman Andrew Jeffrey addresses the crowd while fellow Selectmen Jonathan Henry (right, in uniform) and Roger Blanchette (far left) look on during the town's Annual Memorial Day Exercises held outside of the Marion Town House on Monday morning, May 28. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).May 29, 2007
Memorial Day 2007707 viewsMembers of the Board of Selectmen and officials from the Benjamin D. Cushing Post 2425 VFW spoke during the town's Annual Memorial Day Exercises held outside of the Marion Town House on Monday morning, May 28. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).May 29, 2007
Memorial Day 2007747 viewsSeveral Marion veterans stand at attention and listen to speakers during the town's Annual Memorial Day Exercises held outside of the Marion Town House on Monday morning, May 28. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).May 29, 2007
Ready to March699 viewsMembers of the Memorial School Band march in the annual Memorial Day Parade held in Rochester on Sunday, May 27 in the town center. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).May 29, 2007
Memorial Day 2007666 viewsMattapoisett/Rochester Veterans Agent Barry Denham stands at attention and salutes during the playing of the National Anthem during the annual Memorial Day Exercises held in Rochester on Sunday, May 27 in the town center. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).May 29, 2007
Memorial Day 2007649 viewsMembers of the Rochester Brownie Troop march in the annual Memorial Day Parade held in Rochester on Sunday, May 27 in the town center. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).May 29, 2007
Memorial Day 2007653 viewsMembers of the Rochester Fire Department march in the annual Memorial Day Parade held in Rochester on Sunday, May 27 in the town center. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).May 29, 2007
Memorial Day 2007693 viewsThe Annual Memorial Day Parade in Rochester stepped off from the front of Town Hall on Sunday, May 27 and proceeded to the War Memorial at the intersection of Route 105 and Mary's Pond Road for a service. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).May 29, 2007
Memorial Day 2007695 viewsMembers of the Rochester Fire Department stand at attention in uniform in front of a memorial in honor of the town's deceased veterans during Memorial Day Exercises held in Rochester on Sunday, May 27 in the town center. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).May 29, 2007
Memorial Day 2007734 viewsBoard of Selectmen Chairman Bradford Morse speaks during Memorial Day Exercise held in Rochester on Sunday, May 27 in the town center. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).May 29, 2007
Memorial Day 2007723 viewsMembers of the Memorial School Band perform during Memorial Day services held in Rochester on Sunday, May 27 in the town center. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).May 29, 2007
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