The Wanderer Photo Gallery

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Arts in the Park581 viewsMarion artist Charles Parsons paints a portrait while Mattapoisett Library Director and musician Judy Wallace and her husband David Gries perform during the recent "Arts in the Park" benefit to raise money for furnishings in the new Mattapoisett Public Library which was held on Sunday, June 24 in Shipyard Park in Mattapoisett. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).Jun 26, 2007
Arts in the Park536 viewsMarion artist Charles Parsons painted a portrait of Mattapoisett Library Director and musician Judy Wallace as she performed during the recent "Arts in the Park" benefit to raise money for furnishings in the new Mattapoisett Public Library which was held on Sunday, June 24 in Shipyard Park in Mattapoisett. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).Jun 26, 2007
Arts in the Park550 viewsMattapoisett Library Director and musician Judy Wallace performed during the recent "Arts in the Park" benefit to raise money for furnishings in the new Mattapoisett Public Library which was held on Sunday, June 24 in Shipyard Park in Mattapoisett. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).Jun 26, 2007
Marion Marathon679 viewsNearly 400 runners -- the largest turnout to date -- partcipated in the tenth annual Marion Village 5K Road Race which was held on Saturday, June 23. The runners stepped off from the campus of Tabor Academy in downtown Marion Village. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).Jun 26, 2007
Marion Village 5K587 viewsNearly 400 runners -- the largest turnout to date -- partcipated in the tenth annual Marion Village 5K Road Race which was held on Saturday, June 23. The runners stepped off from the campus of Tabor Academy in downtown Marion Village. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).Jun 26, 2007
Marion Village 5K632 viewsNephi Tyler of Fairhaven (front) crosses the finish line to take the top overall honors in the tenth annual Marion Village 5K Road Race. Mr. Tyler narrowly beat out second-place winner Sean Livingston of Barrington, RI (back) who crossed the finish line barely a second after the winning time of 15:48. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).Jun 26, 2007
Marion Village 5K636 viewsJoAnn Mathews of South Dartmouth crosses the finish line in the tenth annual Marion Village 5K Road Race, finishing 11th overall and taking first place honors in the female division with a final time of 18:40. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).Jun 26, 2007
Marion Village 5K623 viewsNick Grey of Marion crosses the finish line in the tenth annual Marion Village 5K Road Race, completing the course in 21:11 and finishing 44th overall. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).Jun 26, 2007
Marion Village 5K639 viewsA young runner in the tenth annual Marion Village 5K Road Race takes along a jogging companion to keep her company as she heads toward the finish line. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).Jun 26, 2007
Marion Village 5K598 viewsA weary young participant in the 2007 tenth annual running of the Marion Village 5K Road Race gets some much-needed refreshment from his dad. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).Jun 26, 2007
Stories and Songs554 viewsAs part of the Mattapoisett Public Library's summer reading program, Davis Bates and Roger Tincknell presented a live performance called a "Multi-Cultural Celebration in Story and Song" in Reynard Hall of the Mattapoisett Congregational Church on Monday, June 25 which had kids singing and dancing to a variety of songs and stories. (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza).Jun 26, 2007
Stories and Songs552 viewsAs part of the Mattapoisett Public Library's summer reading program, Davis Bates and Roger Tincknell presented a live performance called a "Multi-Cultural Celebration in Story and Song" in Reynard Hall of the Mattapoisett Congregational Church on Monday, June 25 which had kids singing and dancing to a variety of songs and stories. (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza).Jun 26, 2007
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