The Wanderer Photo Gallery

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Prominent Poets461 viewsLocal poets Margot Wizanshy, Diana Der-Hovanessian and Franklin D. Reeves recently provided an afternoon poetry reading at the newly-renovated Mattapoisett Free Public Library. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
Apr 09, 2008
Prominent Poets473 viewsLocal poets Margot Wizanshy, Diana Der-Hovanessian and Franklin D. Reeves recently provided an afternoon poetry reading at the newly-renovated Mattapoisett Free Public Library. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).

Apr 09, 2008
Marion Oscars515 viewsAt the culmination of the first ever eight-week Sippican School Drama Club program, each of the students who participated received their own “Oscar” for a job well done. (Photo courtesy of Suzy Taylor).
Apr 09, 2008
Crossing Cultures529 viewsHannah Fels from Germany was among the recent exchange students who spent time in the ORR School District as part of the American Field Service (AFS) student exchange program. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).Apr 09, 2008
Crossing Cultures531 viewsBarbara Cosaduva of Slovakia and Ville Sutinen of Finland were among the recent exchange students who spent time in the ORR School District as part of the American Field Service (AFS) student exchange program. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
Apr 09, 2008
Exchange Farewell499 viewsStudents from Old Rochester Regional High School and exchange students from Sonora, CA who participated in this year’s American Field Service (AFS) program held a farewell party at the Mattapoisett YMCA on Saturday night, April 5. The group then posed for a photograph at Ned’s Point in Mattapoisett the next day. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).Apr 09, 2008
Exchange Farewell474 viewsStudents from Old Rochester Regional High School and exchange students from Sonora, CA who participated in this year’s American Field Service (AFS) program held a farewell party at the Mattapoisett YMCA on Saturday night, April 5. The group then posed for a photograph at Ned’s Point in Mattapoisett the next day. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).Apr 09, 2008
Bard Again660 viewsStudents in the Grade 5 and 6 Drama Club at Rochester’s Memorial School rehearse for their annual Shakespeare production which will be performed under the direction of Danni Kleiman on Thursday, April 10 at 1:00 pm and again on Friday, April 11 at 7:00 pm at the school. This year the club will proudly present The Bard’s Twelfth Night featuring 22 actors and six stage crew members made up of Grade 5 and 6 students with two additional Grade 4 students involved in the production. (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza).
Apr 09, 2008
Rochester Crimebusters541 viewsThe Crimebusters, a “Destination Imagination” team from Rochester’s Memorial School, won first place for their challenge at the recent Region 10 tournament. The team will be going on to the State Finals on Saturday, April 12 in Worcester, MA. The team is comprised of Grade 4 and 5 students and this is their third year together. Team members include (clockwise from top) Victoria Medeiros, Sara Lafrance, Kyle Rood, Conner West and Sarah Braza. (Photo courtesy of Kerry Bulman).Apr 09, 2008
Rochester Crimebusters482 viewsThe Crimebusters, a “Destination Imagination” team from Rochester’s Memorial School, won first place for their challenge at the recent Region 10 tournament. The team will be going on to the State Finals on Saturday, April 12 in Worcester, MA. The team is comprised of Grade 4 and 5 students and this is their third year together. Team members include Victoria Medeiros, Sara Lafrance, Kyle Rood, Conner West and Sarah Braza. (Photo courtesy of Kerry Bulman).Apr 09, 2008
Rochester Woman Turns 100465 viewsLongtime Rochester resident Kathryn Elizabeth Phillips is celebrating her 100th birthday this week. Two family gatherings are planned in her honor on Saturday, April 12. Ms. Phillips, who first moved to Rochester in 1949 from a similar farming town in Ohio, described herself as a “woodchuck farmer” and said she’s always kept active and ate a well-balanced diet of fresh produce cultivated on her own farms. Among her many local relatives, she is the grandmother of Rochester Selectman Brad Morse.Apr 09, 2008
Twelfth Night at RMS498 viewsStudents in the Grade 5 and 6 Drama Club at Rochester’s Memorial School rehearse for their annual Shakespeare production which will be performed under the direction of Danni Kleiman on Thursday, April 10 at 1:00 pm and again on Friday, April 11 at 7:00 pm at the school. This year the club will proudly present The Bard’s Twelfth Night featuring 22 actors and six stage crew members made up of Grade 5 and 6 students with two additional Grade 4 students involved in the production. (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza).Apr 09, 2008
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