The Wanderer Photo Gallery

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Deck the Doors630 viewsWinners of Mattapoisett’s Second Annual “Deck the Doors” Contest, sponsored by the Mattapoisett Women’s Club, include 12 Brandt Island Road, which was awarded the Brandt Award. (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza).Dec 19, 2007
Deck the Doors578 viewsWinners of Mattapoisett’s Second Annual “Deck the Doors” Contest, sponsored by the Mattapoisett Women’s Club, include 24 Main Street, which was awarded the Theme Award. (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza).Dec 19, 2007
Land of Sweets669 viewsStudents from Mattapoisett’s Center School production of The Nutcracker are gearing up for the annual performance of the holiday classic to be staged on Friday, December 21 at 9:30 am in the Center School Gymnasium at the special request of retiring Principal Jack Murphy. The cast includes John Breault as Judge Drosselmeyer; Molly Lanagan as Clara; Patrick Cummings as Fritz; and James Goulart as The Nutcracker. (Photo by and courtesy of Laura McLean).Dec 18, 2007
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Curtain Call583 viewsSippican Historical Society President Judith Rosbe presents a check to Phyllis Washburn of Marion’s Music Hall Advisory Committee. The $3,000 donation will be used for the purchase of a new back curtain for the Music Hall’s stage. (Photo courtesy of Kimberly A. Teves).
Dec 18, 2007
Babe's Book565 viewsLocal author Charlie Poekel of Marion signed copies of his book, Babe & The Kid, the legendary story of Babe Ruth and the sick child named Johnny Sylvester for whom he hit a home run in the World Series, at The Bookstall in Marion. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).Dec 18, 2007
Beauty Is A Beast493 viewsThe Young People's Theater group of the Marion Art Center recently staged "Beauty is a Beast," directed by Annie Giddings, in the Art Center's theater. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).Dec 18, 2007
Beauty Is A Beast521 viewsThe Young People's Theater group of the Marion Art Center recently staged "Beauty is a Beast," directed by Annie Giddings, in the Art Center's theater. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).Dec 18, 2007
Beauty Is A Beast472 viewsThe Young People's Theater group of the Marion Art Center recently staged "Beauty is a Beast," directed by Annie Giddings, in the Art Center's theater. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).Dec 18, 2007
Beauty Is A Beast480 viewsThe Young People's Theater group of the Marion Art Center recently staged "Beauty is a Beast," directed by Annie Giddings, in the Art Center's theater. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).Dec 18, 2007
Beauty Is A Beast483 viewsThe Young People's Theater group of the Marion Art Center recently staged "Beauty is a Beast," directed by Annie Giddings, in the Art Center's theater. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).Dec 18, 2007
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Scouts Honor590 viewsMembers of Mattapoisett Boy Scout Troop 53 prepare care packages that are going to soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan over the holidays. Donations are still being accepted to support our soldiers overseas. There is a local collection point at Mailbox Services on Route 6 in Mattapoisett. For more information about what things are needed for care packages, please check out the website of Cape Cod Cares For Our Troops at, or contact Troop 53 Scoutmaster Ron Ellis at 508-758-3311.
Dec 12, 2007
Garden Greens494 viewsThe Marion Garden Discussion Group held their annual Holiday Boutique on Saturday, December 8 at Saint Gabriel's Church as part of the Holiday House Tour and Tea. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).Dec 12, 2007
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