The Wanderer Photo Gallery

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Seasonal Singing666 viewsLocal favorites The Showstoppers performed Christmas classics during their Holiday Concert on Sunday, December 23 at the Marion Music Hall. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).Dec 26, 2007
Seasonal Singing584 viewsLocal favorites The Showstoppers performed Christmas classics during their Holiday Concert on Sunday, December 23 at the Marion Music Hall. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).Dec 26, 2007
Seasonal Singing555 viewsLocal favorites The Showstoppers performed Christmas classics during their Holiday Concert on Sunday, December 23 at the Marion Music Hall. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).Dec 26, 2007
Seasonal Singing586 viewsLocal favorites The Showstoppers performed Christmas classics during their Holiday Concert on Sunday, December 23 at the Marion Music Hall. (Photos by Robert Chiarito).Dec 26, 2007
Seasonal Singing589 viewsLocal favorites The Showstoppers performed Christmas classics during their Holiday Concert on Sunday, December 23 at the Marion Music Hall. (Photos by Robert Chiarito).Dec 26, 2007
105 in Rochester929 viewsRochester resident Arthur Lionberger celebrated his 105th birthday at the Rochester Bakery on Monday, December 24. A Rochester resident for some 70 years who used to summer in Marion, Mr. Lionberger turned 105 on December 26 but celebrated the milestone early on Christmas Eve with several family members and friends. A former banjo player with The Woodchoppers, Mr. Lionberger enjoyed a hot bowl of soup for his birthday meal. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
Dec 26, 2007
Blanche Perry and Kids.jpg
Texas Tour624 viewsLifelong Mattapoisett resident Blanche Perry poses with grandchildren Meghan, Chris and Raymond Sottak, on the overlook at Franklin Mountain State Park with a copy of The Wanderer during her recent visit to Fort Bliss in El Paso, Texas. (Photo courtesy of Tracey Sottak).Dec 26, 2007
Out of Africa576 viewsFrank and Betsey Beatriz of Mattapoisett pose with a copy of The Wanderer outside a South African ronderal, where they stayed in January of 2007 with Betsey’s parents, Lieutenant Commander Calvin F. Perkins (retired) and Donetta Perkins, also of Mattapoisett.
Dec 26, 2007
Magic Kingdom589 viewsRoss and Brady Gracia pose with a copy of The Wanderer just outside of MGM Studios in Florida during their October vacation.Dec 26, 2007
Palace Platoon704 views2nd Platoon, ‘Crazy’-Troop, 3rd Squadron 7th U.S. Cavalry pose on the balcony of a former Uday Hussein palace in Baghdad’s Adamayia district. L. to R., front: SPC Gentile, PV2 Lawson, SPC Zehme, PFC Patrick, PFC Kimble; middle: SFC Shoffner, SSG Winkel, SSG Faulkner, SGT Van Wyk, SSG Liebsch, SGT Lopez, SGT Whipple, PFC Philbrook, SSG Doerfler; rear: PFC Rekow, PFC Boyd, SPC Gilispie, SPC Jerolmen, SPC Schaub, PVT Martinez, 2LT Wilkin, SSG Bull, SGT Hardman, PFC Manzo, PFC Syphus, SGT Harp, PFC Woodbridge.Dec 26, 2007
Deck the Doors616 viewsWinners of Mattapoisett’s Second Annual “Deck the Doors” Contest, sponsored by the Mattapoisett Women’s Club, include 9 Crestfield Street, which was awarded the Nautical Award. (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza).Dec 19, 2007
Deck the Doors564 viewsWinners of Mattapoisett’s Second Annual “Deck the Doors” Contest, sponsored by the Mattapoisett Women’s Club, include 3 Ned’s Point Road, which was awarded the Creativity Award. (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza).Dec 19, 2007
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