The Wanderer Photo Gallery

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Bat Boys584 viewsMembers of Boy Scout Troop 32 in Marion recently planned and constructed six Bat Hotels to help combat the mosquito population. (Photo by Sarah K. Taylor)Mar 11, 2009
Bat Boys522 viewsMembers of Boy Scout Troop 32 in Marion recently planned and constructed six Bat Hotels to help combat the mosquito population. (Photo by Sarah K. Taylor)
Mar 11, 2009
Honor Guard518 viewsNational Honor Society inductees taking the NHS oath at ORR recently. (Photo by Olivia Mello)Mar 04, 2009
Honor Guard533 viewsWilliam Curtis Frantz, the guest speaker at ORR's 2009 National Honor Society Induction Ceremony. (Photo by Olivia Mello)Mar 04, 2009
Honor Guard533 viewsChelsie Nectow, who performed the musical interlude at the 2009 ORR National Honor Society Induction Ceremony. (Photo by Olivia Mello)Mar 04, 2009
Honor Guard540 viewsA few inductees behind the candles at the recent ORR National Honor Society Induction Ceremony: (l. to r.) Evan Bissonnette, Patrick Bell, Caitlin Beauregard, Christine Beatriz and Caitlin Barker. (Photo by Olivia Mello)Mar 04, 2009
Honor Guard557 viewsHillary Rozenas, who is a senior at ORR high school, receiving her candle from (left to right) Katelyn Simmons, AnnMarie Kassabian, Kate Hartley and Alia Marinone during the recent ORR Honor Roll Induction Ceremony. (Photo by Olivia Mello)Mar 04, 2009
Honor Guard525 viewsSchool staff in attendance at the Honor Society Induction Ceremony included; (Left to right) Teresa Dall, John. Amaral, William Curtis Frantz,Michael Devoll, Christopher Kornichuck and Chelsie Nectow. (Photo by Olivia Mello)

Mar 04, 2009
Fab Faux606 viewsOctopus’s Garden, a Beatles tribute band, rocked the Second Annual Jim Holmes Memorial Scholarship Dance at the Knights of Columbus Hall in Mattapoisett. (Photo by Adam Silva)
Mar 04, 2009
Lions Welcome481 viewsNew members of the Mattapoisett Lions Club (left to right) Don Bamberger, Bruce Boren, Randy Pickering at a recent meeting where the club was hard at work planning for their annual fund raiser, Harbor Days Craft Fair which will be held the week-end of July 17th, 18th and 19th on the waterfront at Shipyard Park. (Photo courtesy of the Mattapoisett Lions Club) Mar 04, 2009
Senior Sweethearts641 viewsEight Seniors Competing  for the title of Miss Senior South Coast 2009 on Friday March 6, 2009 at Alden Court Nursing and Rehab Center at 6:30 pm. Left to Right Front Row:  Lillian Mary Fernandes (Fairhaven), Marie Bolger (South Dartmouth), Madeicha Szklarski (New Bedford), and Natalia Roderick (New Bedford).
Back Row:  Left to Right: Esther Barker (Fairhaven), Hilda Connor (Fairhaven), Shirley Parker (Fairhaven), Celeste Forte (Acushnet).
Mar 04, 2009
Talking Turtle593 viewsPictures of Marion Natural History Museum's Sea Turtle program with Karen Dourdeville.  During the program we talked about the life history of sea turtles and saw slides of the turtles that can be found in Buzzards Bay, and learned what we can do to help protect them.   We also examined the museum's preserved Hawksbill turtle, and the kids got their very own life sized turtle "egg" made of dough to make into their own baby turtle. (Photos courtesy of the Marion Natural History Museum.)Mar 04, 2009
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