Rochester Country Fair 2014227 viewsWhat do you get when you combine the smell of Italian sausage mixed with diesel exhaust and cow manure, the sound of loud tractor engines drowning out the live country music with the occasional barn animal noise, and the sight of happy Southcoast folks in overalls? The sublime sensory experience that is the Rochester Country Fair! What is more fun than four fun-filled days of frog racing, tractor pulling, mechanic bull riding, and fried food eating? Don’t forget the cowchip bingo and John Cafferty and the Beaver Brown Band who rocked the house on Saturday night before hundreds of spectators. Photos by Jean Perry, Camden Gaspar, and Felix PerezAug 20, 2014
Rochester Country Fair 2014193 viewsWhat do you get when you combine the smell of Italian sausage mixed with diesel exhaust and cow manure, the sound of loud tractor engines drowning out the live country music with the occasional barn animal noise, and the sight of happy Southcoast folks in overalls? The sublime sensory experience that is the Rochester Country Fair! What is more fun than four fun-filled days of frog racing, tractor pulling, mechanic bull riding, and fried food eating? Don’t forget the cowchip bingo and John Cafferty and the Beaver Brown Band who rocked the house on Saturday night before hundreds of spectators. Photos by Jean Perry, Camden Gaspar, and Felix PerezAug 20, 2014
Rochester Country Fair 2014201 viewsWhat do you get when you combine the smell of Italian sausage mixed with diesel exhaust and cow manure, the sound of loud tractor engines drowning out the live country music with the occasional barn animal noise, and the sight of happy Southcoast folks in overalls? The sublime sensory experience that is the Rochester Country Fair! What is more fun than four fun-filled days of frog racing, tractor pulling, mechanic bull riding, and fried food eating? Don’t forget the cowchip bingo and John Cafferty and the Beaver Brown Band who rocked the house on Saturday night before hundreds of spectators. Photos by Jean Perry, Camden Gaspar, and Felix PerezAug 20, 2014
Rochester Country Fair 2014193 viewsWhat do you get when you combine the smell of Italian sausage mixed with diesel exhaust and cow manure, the sound of loud tractor engines drowning out the live country music with the occasional barn animal noise, and the sight of happy Southcoast folks in overalls? The sublime sensory experience that is the Rochester Country Fair! What is more fun than four fun-filled days of frog racing, tractor pulling, mechanic bull riding, and fried food eating? Don’t forget the cowchip bingo and John Cafferty and the Beaver Brown Band who rocked the house on Saturday night before hundreds of spectators. Photos by Jean Perry, Camden Gaspar, and Felix PerezAug 20, 2014
Rochester Country Fair 2014200 viewsWhat do you get when you combine the smell of Italian sausage mixed with diesel exhaust and cow manure, the sound of loud tractor engines drowning out the live country music with the occasional barn animal noise, and the sight of happy Southcoast folks in overalls? The sublime sensory experience that is the Rochester Country Fair! What is more fun than four fun-filled days of frog racing, tractor pulling, mechanic bull riding, and fried food eating? Don’t forget the cowchip bingo and John Cafferty and the Beaver Brown Band who rocked the house on Saturday night before hundreds of spectators. Photos by Jean Perry, Camden Gaspar, and Felix PerezAug 20, 2014
Rochester Country Fair 2014194 viewsWhat do you get when you combine the smell of Italian sausage mixed with diesel exhaust and cow manure, the sound of loud tractor engines drowning out the live country music with the occasional barn animal noise, and the sight of happy Southcoast folks in overalls? The sublime sensory experience that is the Rochester Country Fair! What is more fun than four fun-filled days of frog racing, tractor pulling, mechanic bull riding, and fried food eating? Don’t forget the cowchip bingo and John Cafferty and the Beaver Brown Band who rocked the house on Saturday night before hundreds of spectators. Photos by Jean Perry, Camden Gaspar, and Felix PerezAug 20, 2014
Rochester Country Fair 2014201 viewsWhat do you get when you combine the smell of Italian sausage mixed with diesel exhaust and cow manure, the sound of loud tractor engines drowning out the live country music with the occasional barn animal noise, and the sight of happy Southcoast folks in overalls? The sublime sensory experience that is the Rochester Country Fair! What is more fun than four fun-filled days of frog racing, tractor pulling, mechanic bull riding, and fried food eating? Don’t forget the cowchip bingo and John Cafferty and the Beaver Brown Band who rocked the house on Saturday night before hundreds of spectators. Photos by Jean Perry, Camden Gaspar, and Felix PerezAug 20, 2014
Rochester Country Fair 2014235 viewsWhat do you get when you combine the smell of Italian sausage mixed with diesel exhaust and cow manure, the sound of loud tractor engines drowning out the live country music with the occasional barn animal noise, and the sight of happy Southcoast folks in overalls? The sublime sensory experience that is the Rochester Country Fair! What is more fun than four fun-filled days of frog racing, tractor pulling, mechanic bull riding, and fried food eating? Don’t forget the cowchip bingo and John Cafferty and the BAug 20, 2014
Mattapoisett Historical Society233 viewsEver tried eating a salty piece of hard tack, made your own signal flags, or learned to tie nautical knots? Some pint-sized future sailors at the Mattapoisett Historical Society Museum learned about what it was like to be a sailor back in the whaling days, with a little bit of history sneaked into all the fun and games. Photos by Jean PerryAug 13, 2014
Quahogging387 viewsSome locals learned the basics of quahogging on Saturday, August 9, as part of the Buzzards Bay Coalition’s Bay Adventure series. Participants gathered at Mattapoisett Beach at Camp Massasoit and, led by BBC Outdoor Educator Meghan Gahm, received a little Quahogging 101. Photo By Renae Reints - August 14, 2014 editionAug 13, 2014
Mattapoisett Historical Society219 viewsEver tried eating a salty piece of hard tack, made your own signal flags, or learned to tie nautical knots? Some pint-sized future sailors at the Mattapoisett Historical Society Museum learned about what it was like to be a sailor back in the whaling days, with a little bit of history sneaked into all the fun and games. Photos by Jean PerryAug 13, 2014
Mattapoisett Historical Society215 viewsEver tried eating a salty piece of hard tack, made your own signal flags, or learned to tie nautical knots? Some pint-sized future sailors at the Mattapoisett Historical Society Museum learned about what it was like to be a sailor back in the whaling days, with a little bit of history sneaked into all the fun and games. Photos by Jean PerryAug 13, 2014
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