The Wanderer Photo Gallery

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Brad Barrows Ride196 viewsThe annual Brad Barrows Ride took place on Saturday, September 19, with around 60 to 70 participants riding on roughly 40 motorcycles. The fundraiser proceeds go to fund local youth sports, a cause that was dear to the late Barrows’ heart. Barrows was the owner of the bad “Brad’s” in Mattapoisett until his death in 2007. Photos by Colin VeitchSep 23, 2015
ORR Girls’ Volleyball Team462 viewsThe ORR Girls’ Volleyball Team gave it their best on September 14 versus Fairhaven, but lost the third game in the series. They are at a loss of 1-3 games so far in the five-game series, but still have a chance at the overall win. Photos by Colin VeitchSep 16, 2015
ORR Girls’ Volleyball Team447 viewsThe ORR Girls’ Volleyball Team gave it their best on September 14 versus Fairhaven, but lost the third game in the series. They are at a loss of 1-3 games so far in the five-game series, but still have a chance at the overall win. Photos by Colin VeitchSep 16, 2015
ORR Girls’ Volleyball Team442 viewsThe ORR Girls’ Volleyball Team gave it their best on September 14 versus Fairhaven, but lost the third game in the series. They are at a loss of 1-3 games so far in the five-game series, but still have a chance at the overall win. Photos by Colin VeitchSep 16, 2015
ORR Girls’ Volleyball Team437 viewsThe ORR Girls’ Volleyball Team gave it their best on September 14 versus Fairhaven, but lost the third game in the series. They are at a loss of 1-3 games so far in the five-game series, but still have a chance at the overall win. Photos by Colin VeitchSep 16, 2015
ORR Girls’ Volleyball Team440 viewsThe ORR Girls’ Volleyball Team gave it their best on September 14 versus Fairhaven, but lost the third game in the series. They are at a loss of 1-3 games so far in the five-game series, but still have a chance at the overall win. Photos by Colin VeitchSep 16, 2015
ORR Girls’ Volleyball Team414 viewsThe ORR Girls’ Volleyball Team gave it their best on September 14 versus Fairhaven, but lost the third game in the series. They are at a loss of 1-3 games so far in the five-game series, but still have a chance at the overall win. Photos by Colin VeitchSep 16, 2015
ORR Girls’ Volleyball Team421 viewsThe ORR Girls’ Volleyball Team gave it their best on September 14 versus Fairhaven, but lost the third game in the series. They are at a loss of 1-3 games so far in the five-game series, but still have a chance at the overall win. Photos by Colin VeitchSep 16, 2015
ORR Girls’ Volleyball Team419 viewsThe ORR Girls’ Volleyball Team gave it their best on September 14 versus Fairhaven, but lost the third game in the series. They are at a loss of 1-3 games so far in the five-game series, but still have a chance at the overall win. Photos by Colin VeitchSep 16, 2015
ORR Girls’ Volleyball Team426 viewsThe ORR Girls’ Volleyball Team gave it their best on September 14 versus Fairhaven, but lost the third game in the series. They are at a loss of 1-3 games so far in the five-game series, but still have a chance at the overall win. Photos by Colin VeitchSep 16, 2015
ORR Girls’ Volleyball Team396 viewsThe ORR Girls’ Volleyball Team gave it their best on September 14 versus Fairhaven, but lost the third game in the series. They are at a loss of 1-3 games so far in the five-game series, but still have a chance at the overall win. Photos by Colin VeitchSep 16, 2015
ORR Girls’ Volleyball Team396 viewsThe ORR Girls’ Volleyball Team gave it their best on September 14 versus Fairhaven, but lost the third game in the series. They are at a loss of 1-3 games so far in the five-game series, but still have a chance at the overall win. Photos by Colin VeitchSep 16, 2015
29933 files on 2495 page(s) 1235