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Last additions - Rochester
Grandparents’ Day292 viewsThe South Coast Senior Resource Alliance (SRA) sponsored a Grandparents’ Day in Rochester on September 12, 2010. The day celebrated the bond between grandparent and grandchild with pony rides, face-painting and lots of games. SRA volunteers also provided valuable health and wellness information to the seniors who attended. Photos by Felix Perez.Sep 15, 2010
Grandparents’ Day287 viewsThe South Coast Senior Resource Alliance (SRA) sponsored a Grandparents’ Day in Rochester on September 12, 2010. The day celebrated the bond between grandparent and grandchild with pony rides, face-painting and lots of games. SRA volunteers also provided valuable health and wellness information to the seniors who attended. Photos by Felix Perez.Sep 15, 2010
COA Endowment338 viewsThe Rochester Council on Aging (COA) has been named in the last will and testament of Edward and Louise Wheeler, Rochester senior residents. The Wheelers lived in Rochester for many years, and bequeathed $50,000 to the Rochester COA from their estate. Photo courtesy of Sharon Lally.Aug 31, 2010
RMS Expansion289 viewsThe Rochester Memorial School project has been progressing in leaps and bounds this summer. This photo show the building’s progress on June 28, 2010. The new addition is ready for final touches, and the old section of the building will undergo a renovation process over the next year during school vacations. The completed project has a projected finish date of September, 2011. Photo by Laura Pedulli.Aug 31, 2010
RMS Expansion275 viewsThe Rochester Memorial School project has been progressing in leaps and bounds this summer. This photo show the building’s progress on July 13, 2010. The new addition is ready for final touches, and the old section of the building will undergo a renovation process over the next year during school vacations. The completed project has a projected finish date of September, 2011. Photo by Laura Pedulli.Aug 31, 2010
RMS Expansion279 viewsThe Rochester Memorial School project has been progressing in leaps and bounds this summer. This photo show the building’s progress on August 16, 2010. The new addition is ready for final touches, and the old section of the building will undergo a renovation process over the next year during school vacations. The completed project has a projected finish date of September, 2011. Photo by Laura Pedulli.Aug 31, 2010
RMS Expansion285 viewsThe Rochester Memorial School project has been progressing in leaps and bounds this summer. This photo show the building’s progress on August 26, 2010. The new addition is ready for final touches, and the old section of the building will undergo a renovation process over the next year during school vacations. The completed project has a projected finish date of September, 2011. Photo by Laura Pedulli.Aug 31, 2010
Rochester Country Fair353 viewsRochester’s Country Fair was a great success despite the cancellation of the Town Ball Game, Woodsman Show, the Block dance and the Bonfire due to EEE. The weather was perfect on Saturday as children raced frogs, climbed walls, bounced in castles and much more. Although the weather was less than perfect on Sunday, residents lined the streets with lawn chairs and umbrellas to watch as the Hillbilly themed parade passed. Photos by Felix Perez.Aug 25, 2010
Rochester Country Fair366 viewsRochester’s Country Fair was a great success despite the cancellation of the Town Ball Game, Woodsman Show, the Block dance and the Bonfire due to EEE. The weather was perfect on Saturday as children raced frogs, climbed walls, bounced in castles and much more. Although the weather was less than perfect on Sunday, residents lined the streets with lawn chairs and umbrellas to watch as the Hillbilly themed parade passed. Photos by Felix Perez.Aug 25, 2010
Rochester Country Fair358 viewsRochester’s Country Fair was a great success despite the cancellation of the Town Ball Game, Woodsman Show, the Block dance and the Bonfire due to EEE. The weather was perfect on Saturday as children raced frogs, climbed walls, bounced in castles and much more. Although the weather was less than perfect on Sunday, residents lined the streets with lawn chairs and umbrellas to watch as the Hillbilly themed parade passed. Photos by Felix Perez.Aug 25, 2010
Rochester Country Fair349 viewsRochester’s Country Fair was a great success despite the cancellation of the Town Ball Game, Woodsman Show, the Block dance and the Bonfire due to EEE. The weather was perfect on Saturday as children raced frogs, climbed walls, bounced in castles and much more. Although the weather was less than perfect on Sunday, residents lined the streets with lawn chairs and umbrellas to watch as the Hillbilly themed parade passed. Photos by Felix Perez.Aug 25, 2010
Rochester Country Fair356 viewsRochester’s Country Fair was a great success despite the cancellation of the Town Ball Game, Woodsman Show, the Block dance and the Bonfire due to EEE. The weather was perfect on Saturday as children raced frogs, climbed walls, bounced in castles and much more. Although the weather was less than perfect on Sunday, residents lined the streets with lawn chairs and umbrellas to watch as the Hillbilly themed parade passed. Photos by Felix Perez.Aug 25, 2010
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