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Last additions - Mattapoisett
Heritage Days 2008456 viewsParticipants in the Bicycle and Doll Carriage Parade held as part of the 2008 Heritage Days celebration weekend. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).Aug 05, 2008
Heritage Days 2008449 viewsOpening ceremonies for the first annual Heritage Days weekend celebration in Mattapoisett. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).Aug 05, 2008
Heritage Days 2008425 viewsOpening ceremonies for the first annual Heritage Days weekend celebration in Mattapoisett. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).Aug 05, 2008
Heritage Days 2008439 viewsOpening ceremonies for the first annual Heritage Days weekend celebration in Mattapoisett. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).Aug 05, 2008
Heritage Days 2008425 viewsOpening ceremonies for the first annual Heritage Days weekend celebration in Mattapoisett. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).Aug 05, 2008
A Tribute to Heroes443 viewsMattapoisett artist and sculptor Keith Francis designed and built this tribute to the Worcester Six, the firefighters who perished in the tragic Worcester Warehouse fire on December 3, 1999. The massive one-ton sculpture now sits in his North Street backyard in clear view of several neighbors who are either firefighters, retired firefighters or relatives of firefighters. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).Aug 05, 2008
A Tribute to Heroes411 viewsMattapoisett artist and sculptor Keith Francis designed and built this tribute to the Worcester Six, the firefighters who perished in the tragic Worcester Warehouse fire on December 3, 1999. The massive one-ton sculpture now sits in his North Street backyard in clear view of several neighbors who are either firefighters, retired firefighters or relatives of firefighters. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).Aug 05, 2008
A Tribute to Heroes424 viewsMattapoisett artist and sculptor Keith Francis poses with the sculpture he designed and built in tribute to the Worcester Six, the firefighters who perished in the tragic Worcester Warehouse fire on December 3, 1999. The massive one-ton sculpture now sits in his North Street backyard in clear view of several neighbors who are either firefighters, retired firefighters or relatives of firefighters. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).Aug 05, 2008
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Heritage Bus Tours495 viewsMattapoisett Historical Society members Margaret DeMello, Bobbi Gaspar and Carroll Chase pose in costume outside the Mattapoisett Town Hall in preparation for this weekend�s Heritage Days bus tours. The hourly historical bus tours featuring a history of Crescent Beach depart from the American Legion Hall on Depot Street on Sunday August 3 from 11:30 am until 4:30 pm.
Jul 29, 2008
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Spinal Cord Raffle519 viewsMichael Lamoureux, Commander of Florence Eastman American Legion Post 280, draws the names of winners in the Harbor Days Spinal Cord Society (SCS) raffle with Jamie Shepley, Vice President of the New Bedofrd/Fall River SCS chapter. Congratulations to the lucky winners and thanks to all who have supported the annual raffle for SCS, with 100 percent of the proceeds going to spinal cord injury research. (Photo courtesy of Jen Shepley).Jul 29, 2008
Harbor Days 2008583 viewsThe Annual Harbor Days celebration provided a week of food and fun in the hot summer sun at Mattapoisett�s Shipyard park.Jul 23, 2008
Harbor Days 2008564 viewsThe Annual Harbor Days celebration provided a week of food and fun in the hot summer sun at Mattapoisett�s Shipyard park.Jul 23, 2008
7437 files on 620 page(s) 574