Last additions - Mattapoisett

Beatlemania!421 viewsTwo personal bath towels used in the Kenmore apartment of Beatle John Lennon is among the many unique collectible items that Jim Cushman of Mattapoisett has amassed over the years. (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza).Sep 09, 2008

Beatlemania!416 viewsA pair of drumsticks used by Ringo Starr is among the many unique collectible items that Jim Cushman of Mattapoisett has amassed over the years. (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza).Sep 09, 2008

Beatlemania!391 viewsPeriod lunch boxes, soap dispensers and personally-autographed memorabilia are among the many unique collectible items that Jim Cushman of Mattapoisett has amassed over the years. (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza).Sep 09, 2008

Beatlemania!413 viewsA wall covered with various hand-written and autographed notes from Beatle John Lennon is among the many unique collectible items that Jim Cushman of Mattapoisett has amassed over the years. (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza).Sep 09, 2008

Lighthouse Tours536 viewsMattapoisett’s historic Ned’s Point Lighthouse (above), along with Marion’s Bird Island Lighthouse, will both be featured as part of the American Lighthouse Foundation’s tour of eight lighthouses along Cape Cod and Buzzards Bay on September 20. The lighthouse cruise is a fundraiser for the nonprofit American Lighthouse Foundation, based in Rockland, Maine, which cares for 20 historic lighthouses throughout the New England states of Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Connecticut.Aug 20, 2008

Race Scholars554 viewsSeven Old Rochester Regional High School graduates and runners will each receive a $1,000 award from the proceeds of the recent Mattapoisett Road Race held on July 4. On August 6 in Shipyard Park, five of the seven runners were presented their awards, including (from left) Katelyn O’Brien, Lindsay Tilden, Peter Asci, Nikita Bourque and Cristiana Pineda. Award winners not pictured: Elizabeth Sylvia and Abby Oldham. (Photo courtesy of Louise Campbell).
Aug 12, 2008

Treasure Hunters576 viewsThe Mattapoisett Sea Hags team reprised their 150th Anniversary win during the 2008 townwide Treasure Hunt held on August 2 as part of the town’s first annual Heritage Days celebration. Members of the winning team included: (from left) Debbie Abelha (Mattapoisett), Polly Lawrence (Rochester), Kate Souza (Mattapoisett), Holly Smith (Mattapoisett), Kerrin Souza (Mattapoisett), and Katie Lorenco (Mattapoisett). (Photo courtesy of Tim Smith).Aug 05, 2008

Heritage Days 2008506 viewsParticipants in the Bicycle and Doll Carriage Parade held as part of the 2008 Heritage Days celebration weekend. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).Aug 05, 2008

Heritage Days 2008482 viewsOpening ceremonies for the 2008 Heritage Days celebration weekend held in Shipyard Park. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).Aug 05, 2008

Heritage Days 2008488 viewsCooking up the all-American hamburgers and hot dogs during the 2008 Heritage Days celebration weekend. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).Aug 05, 2008

Heritage Days 2008486 viewsThe Friday Night Classic Car Show held in Shipyard Park as part of the 2008 Heritage Days celebration weekend. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).Aug 05, 2008

Heritage Days 2008449 viewsThe Friday Night Classic Car Show held in Shipyard Park as part of the 2008 Heritage Days celebration weekend. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).Aug 05, 2008
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