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Last additions - Schools
Flag Day330 viewsThe students of Center School observed Flag Day, Friday, June 14, outside near the flagpole. Also being the last day of school for the year, Principal Rosemary Bowman addressed the children, reminding them how blessed they are to be American and living in Mattapoisett. Photos by Jean PerryJun 19, 2019
Flag Day328 viewsThe students of Center School observed Flag Day, Friday, June 14, outside near the flagpole. Also being the last day of school for the year, Principal Rosemary Bowman addressed the children, reminding them how blessed they are to be American and living in Mattapoisett. Photos by Jean PerryJun 19, 2019
Flag Day288 viewsThe students of Center School observed Flag Day, Friday, June 14, outside near the flagpole. Also being the last day of school for the year, Principal Rosemary Bowman addressed the children, reminding them how blessed they are to be American and living in Mattapoisett. Photos by Jean PerryJun 19, 2019
Flag Day312 viewsThe students of Center School observed Flag Day, Friday, June 14, outside near the flagpole. Also being the last day of school for the year, Principal Rosemary Bowman addressed the children, reminding them how blessed they are to be American and living in Mattapoisett. Photos by Jean PerryJun 19, 2019
Flag Day311 viewsThe students of Center School observed Flag Day, Friday, June 14, outside near the flagpole. Also being the last day of school for the year, Principal Rosemary Bowman addressed the children, reminding them how blessed they are to be American and living in Mattapoisett. Photos by Jean PerryJun 19, 2019
Flag Day297 viewsThe students of Center School observed Flag Day, Friday, June 14, outside near the flagpole. Also being the last day of school for the year, Principal Rosemary Bowman addressed the children, reminding them how blessed they are to be American and living in Mattapoisett. Photos by Jean PerryJun 19, 2019
Flag Day297 viewsThe students of Center School observed Flag Day, Friday, June 14, outside near the flagpole. Also being the last day of school for the year, Principal Rosemary Bowman addressed the children, reminding them how blessed they are to be American and living in Mattapoisett. Photos by Jean PerryJun 19, 2019
Flag Day310 viewsThe students of Center School observed Flag Day, Friday, June 14, outside near the flagpole. Also being the last day of school for the year, Principal Rosemary Bowman addressed the children, reminding them how blessed they are to be American and living in Mattapoisett. Photos by Jean PerryJun 19, 2019
Be the Nice Kid318 viewsPromoting kindness has been the focus of Jennifer Rusinoski’s program “Be the Nice Kid” this school year. The fourth, fifth, and sixth grade students have met her challenge at Old Hammondtown School (OHS). Over the course of the school year, staff members were asked to note students’ acts of kindness towards others. Jun 19, 2019
Survival Week 333 viewsSurvival Week is as much a test of ORR seventh-grade students’ wilderness survival skills as it is a test of their parents’ ability to make the most of the week without their kids. On Sunday, June 9, parents, siblings, and family pets waited eagerly for their children’s arrival from Survival 2019. After a few big hugs, parents whisked their kids away to home and a hot shower. Photos by Jean PerryJun 12, 2019
Survival Week 313 viewsSurvival Week is as much a test of ORR seventh-grade students’ wilderness survival skills as it is a test of their parents’ ability to make the most of the week without their kids. On Sunday, June 9, parents, siblings, and family pets waited eagerly for their children’s arrival from Survival 2019. After a few big hugs, parents whisked their kids away to home and a hot shower. Photos by Jean PerryJun 12, 2019
Survival Week 432 viewsSurvival Week is as much a test of ORR seventh-grade students’ wilderness survival skills as it is a test of their parents’ ability to make the most of the week without their kids. On Sunday, June 9, parents, siblings, and family pets waited eagerly for their children’s arrival from Survival 2019. After a few big hugs, parents whisked their kids away to home and a hot shower. Photos by Jean PerryJun 12, 2019
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