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Sounds of the Season2087 viewsSounds of holiday music filled the air last weekend at the Mattapoisett Historical Museum and Carriage House where violinist and music teacher Jean West and a strings ensemble played to the public. The performance was part of the Historical Museum’s Annual Holiday Open House and the afternoon also featured stories of Christmas recited by museum curator Bette Roberts. (Photos by and courtesy of Laura McLean).Dec 20, 2005
Mission Improvisation1280 viewsSaxophone players Travis and Michael Bliss are joined by bass guitarist Ian McLean. The youngsters find time outside school band practices to jam together in an improvisational jazz combo. (Photo by and courtesy of Laura McLean).Dec 20, 2005
Holiday in Shipyard Park1126 viewsThe Town of Mattapoisett once again sponsored their Annual ‘Holiday in the Park’ festivities on Saturday, December 10 at Shipyard Park. Special guests in attendance included none other than Santa and Mrs. Claus, their helper elves, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, and Frosty the Snowman. (Photo courtesy of Barbara Sullivan).Dec 13, 2005
A Christmas Story1713 viewsThree-year-old Emily Wilson of Marion enjoys a Christmas story read by Elaine Botelho (center) and Bobbie Gaspar at Mattapoisett’s Holiday in the Park. Alison Feltman, far left, handed out candy canes during festivities as Santa made his annual arrival and local musicians filled the frosty air with Christmas carols. (Photo by Laura McLean).Dec 13, 2005
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Santa, Baby1031 viewsSanta poses with Caitlin Collier, daughter of Jeremy and Sarah Collier of Mattapoisett, during the photo-taking session at Mattapoisett’s Holiday in the Park. (Photo courtesy of Rebecca McCullough).Dec 13, 2005
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Here Comes Santa Claus!968 viewsSanta and his friends arrived by Fire Engine to greet a group of happy children during the recent Holiday in the Park celebration in Mattapoisett’s Shipyard Park. (Photo courtesy of Rebecca McCullough).
Dec 13, 2005
Old Glory in Mattapoisett1045 viewsMattapoisett Selectman Jordan Collyer, Mr. Arthur C. Potter, Selectman Steve Lombard, Selectman Ray Andrews, and Mrs.Cecilie C. Potter, pose with the American flag recently presented to the Town of Mattapoisett by their son, Gunnery Sergeant Caleb C. Potter, USMC, 2nd Marine Division. This flag flew over Camp Blue Diamond, Ar Ramadi (Provincal Capital) Al Anbar, Province of Iraq, on Veterans Day, November 11, 2005, and will be kept on display in the Mattapoisett Town Hall. (Photo courtesy of Ray Andrews).Dec 13, 2005
Deck the Halls1220 viewsLorinda Callahan and Jane Barker prepare wreaths and other Christmas decorations for the Marion Garden Discussion Group’s Christmas Boutique to be held on Saturday, December 10 from 9:30 am to 4:00 pm in the library of Saint Gabriel’s Church in Marion.Dec 07, 2005
Ned's Point Lighthouse, Mattapoisett2919 viewsNed's Point Lighthouse, MattapoisettDec 01, 2005
Old Hammondtown School, Mattapoisett969 viewsOld Hammondtown School, MattapoisettDec 01, 2005
Salty the Seahorse, Mattapoisett977 viewsSalty the Seahorse, MattapoisettDec 01, 2005
Shipyard Park, Mattapoisett1038 viewsShipyard Park, MattapoisettDec 01, 2005
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