Last additions - Tri-Town

Rural Recount975 viewsFormer Selectman Gary Laboa (background) consults with Attorney Rick Manning during the election recount while reconfirmed winner Dan McGaffey waits for the results. (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza).Apr 26, 2006

Library Leaning859 viewsThe Mattapoisett Free Public Library Trustees recently announced the installation of a new handrail which should afford easier access to the library in its temporary quarters at Center School, especially for those citizens who have had difficulty climbing the outside staircase. The first patrons to officially use this new handrail were longtime library volunteer “Papa” John Hilsabeck and his 3-year old granddaughter Rachel Foye, pictured here.Apr 26, 2006

Longtime Legionnaires935 viewsMaurice and Donald Linhares (right foreground) listen as the Mattapoisett Board of Selectmen and members of the Florence Eastman Post 280 American Legion presented them recently with citations for 50 years of continuous membership with the local Legion. (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza).Apr 18, 2006

South Coast Singles952 viewsMembers of the South Coast Singles Group — which was founded by residents in Mattapoisett — recently met at a member’s house for a rousing round of the game Twister. The non-profit group is currently comprised of about 13 members and is open to singles ages 35 to 55.Apr 18, 2006

Viewing Vernal Pools976 viewsLuke Gauvin examines a specimen under the microscope during the Marion Natural History Museum’s recent program on Vernal Pools, held at the museum above the Elizabeth Taber Library. The program focused on the various insect, plant and animal life in the local vernal pools. (Photo by Nancy MacKenzie).Apr 04, 2006

Clowning Achievement1232 viewsThe YMCA of the Southcoast in New Bedford was recently presented with a grant of $25,000 from Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC) of Eastern New England during halftime at a Boston Celtics game. Pictured (l. to r.) are Charlie Winterhalter, President, RMHC of Eastern New England and McDonald’s Owner/Operator; Edie Stevenson, Executive Director, RMHC of Eastern New England; Ronald McDonald; Gary Schuyler, President, YMCA Southcoast; David Joseph, Executive Director, Dartmouth YMCA; and Lucky.Mar 21, 2006

Tabulating Trees883 viewsDeborah Smiley, a member of Mattapoisett’s Tree Committee, measures trees in Shipyard Park as part of her study on trees in the town’s village. She is assisted by ORR eighth grader Olivia McLean, who is doing the work as community service. (Photo by Laura McLean).Mar 21, 2006

Library Support833 viewsWork is progressing nicely on the renovation to and expansion of the Mattapoisett Free Public Library on Barstow Street. In this photo, workers can be seen inserting support beams into the basement which were used to lift and support the entire building. (Photo by Arthur E. Schneider).Mar 21, 2006

Rochester COA Director911 viewsVarious Rochester town officials and residents gathered at the Rochester Senior Center last week to meet and greet the town’s newly-hired Council on Aging (COA) Director, Sharon Lally (third from left, with corsage). Here she is seen chatting with (l. to r.) Mike Muenier, Patricia Ryan, and Police Chief Paul Magee during the event (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza).Mar 10, 2006

Iditarod Derby Webelos1027 viewsWebelos from Pack 53 in Mattapoisett pose after completing the recent Iditarod Derby at Camp Cachalot on February 4, 2006. Pictured with the racing sleds are (l. to r.) Colon Stellato, Nick Piva, Robby Magee, Haakon Perkins, Cory Gaspar, Lee Estes, Jonathan Morton, Alex Buckley, and Callum McLaughlin.Feb 21, 2006

New Chapter for Mattapoisett Library1083 viewsProud members of the Mattapoisett Library Building Committee presided over a formal groundbreaking ceremony at the Mattapoisett Free Public Library on Barstow Street this past week. Among the officials on hand were Mattapoisett Selectman Raymond Andrews, State Senator Mark Montigny, State Representative William Straus, and Library Director Judy Wallace. The $5.1 million project is expected to be completed in early 2007. (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza).Jan 31, 2006

Road Race Scholars1234 viewsMattapoisett Road Race Committee Chairman Daniel White presents $1,000 scholarship checks to students Mary Jayne Menezes and Greg Correia, both of Mattapoisett, in the town’s historic Shipyard Park. These were just two of eight scholarships awarded to local students upon completion of their first semester in higher education. (Photo courtesy of Daniel White).Jan 27, 2006
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