Last additions - Tri-Town

Thanksgiving Play539 viewsMembers of the South Coast Community Church welcomed members and new friends to its Thanksgiving Services on Sunday, November 19 at Sippican School in Marion. The service included a three-part play that explained the true meaning of Thanksgiving by retelling the story of Moses and the Israelites’ journey through the desert with various members of the congregation playing the roles.Nov 21, 2006

Toys Get New Life547 viewsFor the past 16 years, community volunteer Betsy Duncan of Marion has refurbished and reconditioned used toys to distribute to needy children as part of her Marion Toy Project. These are some of the latest toys that have been revived as part of the annual program, which will mark its final year this holiday season as Ms. Duncan and her volunteers plan to retire. (Photo by Nancy MacKenzie).Nov 21, 2006

ORR Senior Thanksgiving 2006573 viewsMembers of the eighth grade class at Old Rochester Regional Junior High School held their sixteenth annual Thanksgiving Banquet for tri-town senior citizens on Sunday, November 19. With help from the school’s faculty and volunteers from the school’s food services department, the students offered a homemade Thanksgiving meal to over 300 seniors from Mattapoisett, Marion and Rochester with free tickets distributed through the towns’ Councils on Aging. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).Nov 20, 2006

ORR Senior Thanksgiving 2006552 viewsMembers of the eighth grade class at Old Rochester Regional Junior High School held their sixteenth annual Thanksgiving Banquet for tri-town senior citizens on Sunday, November 19. With help from the school’s faculty and volunteers from the school’s food services department, the students offered a homemade Thanksgiving meal to over 300 seniors from Mattapoisett, Marion and Rochester with free tickets distributed through the towns’ Councils on Aging. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).Nov 20, 2006

ORR Senior Thanksgiving 2006552 viewsMembers of the eighth grade class at Old Rochester Regional Junior High School held their sixteenth annual Thanksgiving Banquet for tri-town senior citizens on Sunday, November 19. With help from the school’s faculty and volunteers from the school’s food services department, the students offered a homemade Thanksgiving meal to over 300 seniors from Mattapoisett, Marion and Rochester with free tickets distributed through the towns’ Councils on Aging. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).Nov 20, 2006

ORR Senior Thanksgiving 2006578 viewsMembers of the eighth grade class at Old Rochester Regional Junior High School held their sixteenth annual Thanksgiving Banquet for tri-town senior citizens on Sunday, November 19. With help from the school’s faculty and volunteers from the school’s food services department, the students offered a homemade Thanksgiving meal to over 300 seniors from Mattapoisett, Marion and Rochester with free tickets distributed through the towns’ Councils on Aging. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).Nov 20, 2006

ORR Senior Thanksgiving 2006529 viewsMembers of the eighth grade class at Old Rochester Regional Junior High School held their sixteenth annual Thanksgiving Banquet for tri-town senior citizens on Sunday, November 19. With help from the school’s faculty and volunteers from the school’s food services department, the students offered a homemade Thanksgiving meal to over 300 seniors from Mattapoisett, Marion and Rochester with free tickets distributed through the towns’ Councils on Aging. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).Nov 20, 2006

Raking In The Clams!579 viewsThe Marion Natural History Museum recently sponsored a Soft-shell Clam Relay where student participants sucessfully planted 50,000 clams off Silvershell Beach in Marion. The group was assisted by Marion Shellfish Warden Issac Perry. (Photos by and courtesy of Elizabeth Leidhold, Marion Natural History Museum).Nov 14, 2006

Small Clams564 viewsA student shows some of the clam seedlings planted during the recent Soft-shell Clam Relay at Silvershell Beach in Marion. The event was sponsored by the Marion Natural History Museum. (Photos by and courtesy of Elizabeth Leidhold, Marion Natural History Museum).Nov 14, 2006

Raking In The Clams!556 viewsThe Marion Natural History Museum recently sponsored a Soft-shell Clam Relay where student participants sucessfully planted 50,000 clams off Silvershell Beach in Marion. The group was assisted by Marion Shellfish Warden Issac Perry. (Photos by and courtesy of Elizabeth Leidhold, Marion Natural History Museum).Nov 14, 2006

Peppers and Penne567 viewsRochester's own Linda Medeiros serves up her "Sweet Sausage and Peppers Penne" entree to participants at the Rochester Senior Center during a recent cooking demonstration held on Monday, November 13. (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza).Nov 13, 2006

Cooking Class586 viewsLinda Medeiros of Rochester offered a cooking class to participants at the Rochester Senior Center on Monday, November 13. Among the recipes she offered: a "Sweet Sausage and Peppers Penne" entree and "Super-Quick Garlic Bread." (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza).Nov 13, 2006
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