Last additions - Tri-Town

TriTown Talent269 viewsEntertainers strutted their stuff during the January 31, 2011 auditions for ORCTV and the Showstopper’s upcoming telethon. The event will be aired live on ORCTV – Comcast Channel 9 and Verizon Channel 36 – on February 13, 2011 from 4:00 to 8:00 pm. Photos by Felix Perez.Feb 02, 2011

TriTown Talent300 viewsEntertainers strutted their stuff during the January 31, 2011 auditions for ORCTV and the Showstopper’s upcoming telethon. The event will be aired live on ORCTV – Comcast Channel 9 and Verizon Channel 36 – on February 13, 2011 from 4:00 to 8:00 pm. Photos by Felix Perez.Feb 02, 2011

TriTown Talent315 viewsEntertainers strutted their stuff during the January 31, 2011 auditions for ORCTV and the Showstopper’s upcoming telethon. The event will be aired live on ORCTV – Comcast Channel 9 and Verizon Channel 36 – on February 13, 2011 from 4:00 to 8:00 pm. Photos by Felix Perez.Feb 02, 2011

Voices276 viewsVoices for a Healthy SouthCoast – a health community coalition that represents 17 towns from Swansea to Wareham – recognized Community Health Action Response Team members for their service in 2010. Photo courtesy of Nancy Bonell. Jan 26, 2011

First Snow347 viewsA winter wonderland descended upon the Tri-Town overnight on Sunday, December 19, 2010, blanketing the towns with snow just in time for the holidays. Photos by Laura Pedulli. Dec 22, 2010

Winter Weather334 viewsIt's looking a lot like a white Christmas in the tritown! Photo by Laura PedulliDec 20, 2010

CMW Swap Shack352 viewsRay Pickles poses in front of a new CMW Swap Shack at the Marion Transfer Station. Marion and Rochester residents will be able to swap usable household and children’s items at the Swap Shack. Photo by Joan Hartnett-Barry.Dec 15, 2010

Veteran's Day374 viewsPatriotism was alive and well at Old Hammondtown School during its morning Veterans Day ceremony on November 11, 2010. Attendees in the packed auditorium enjoyed music by the school’s concert band and speeches by George Randall, Barry Denham and Lt. Cmdr. Julian Bishop. Photos by Laura PedulliNov 17, 2010

Bike Ride337 viewsTri-Town bike lovers – including Bonne DeSousa and Pauline Hamel – participated in the Old Bedford-Old Fall River Bike Ride earlier this month. The event drew 60 riders from throughout the SouthCoast. Photos courtesy of Pauline HamelNov 17, 2010

Gift Show410 viewsArt in all forms was enjoyed at a craft and vendor fair at Old Colony last Saturday, November 6. The event was hosted by the school’s Junior Class. Photos by Felix PerezNov 10, 2010

Gift Show301 viewsArt in all forms was enjoyed at a craft and vendor fair at Old Colony last Saturday, November 6. The event was hosted by the school’s Junior Class. Photos by Felix PerezNov 10, 2010

Gift Show298 viewsArt in all forms was enjoyed at a craft and vendor fair at Old Colony last Saturday, November 6. The event was hosted by the school’s Junior Class. Photos by Felix PerezNov 10, 2010
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