Last additions - I'm a Wanderer

0609051019 viewsMattapoisett resident Lori Bardwell (right) poses with a copy of The Wanderer alongside tentmate Colette Laroche during the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer held last month in Boston. The event drew some 1,750 walkers who raised over $4 million for breast cancer research. (Photo courtesy of Lori Bardwell). 6/9/05 editionAug 28, 2005

031005-21003 viewsMegan and Justin Shay of Rochester recently shared a copy of The Wanderer with Rochester’s newest — and biggest — resident. (Photo by and courtesy of Justin Shay). 3/10/05 editionAug 28, 2005

0324051059 viewsOn Friday, March 18, members of the Old Hammondtown School Jazz Band performed to a standing-room-only crowd of music teachers at the Massachusetts Music Educators Association’s All-State Conference. Pictured are (back row, l. to r.) Jack Thomas, Michael Asci, Kyle Wheeler, Ben Burns, James Mock; (middle row, l. to r.) Nick Nadeau, Griffin Sanford, Michael Bliss, Tom Tucker, Travis Bliss, Brad Ellis; (front row, l. to r.) Teddy Kassabian, Jake Jaskolka, Laura Eklund, Jillian Zucco, and Rosemary Ramos. (Photo by and courtesy of Sandy Thomas). 3/24/05 editionAug 28, 2005

040705-11021 viewsHannah Elizabeth Lafreniere, daughter of Peter and Pamela Lafreniere of Mattapoisett and granddaughter of John and Veronica Lafreniere of Rochester, poses with a copy of The Wanderer on a scenic beach in the Dominican Republic during a recent vacation with her parents and grandparents. (Photo courtesy of Veronica Lafreniere). 4/7/50 editionAug 28, 2005

040705-21117 viewsCarmelo Nicolosi poses with daughter Juliana Nicolosi and nephew Raymond Lawton in front of a “giant snowman” they created during one of many recent snowstorms in Mattapoisett. (Photo courtesy of Carmelo Nicolosi). 4/7/50 editionAug 28, 2005

040705-31024 viewsMattapoisett native Toya D. Gabeler poses with a copy of The Wanderer in a canal on Unicorn Island in Mytha (Mekong Delta) in Vietnam during a recent trip. (Photo courtesy of Toya D. Gabeler). 4/7/50 editionAug 28, 2005

012005992 viewsMembers of the Belliveau family of Rochester pose with copies of The Wanderer at the recent Belliveau Family Reunion held in August 2004 in Belliveau Cover, Nova Scotia, Canada. Pictured here are Rochester residents six-year-old Sarah, eleven-year-old Tyler, and eight-year-old Jessica with cousins Jonathon and William Latino. 1/20/05Aug 28, 2005

0203051071 viewsFour men, including workers from the Mattapoisett Boatyard, currently working on the restoration of the half-scale model of the whale ship Lagoda at the New Bedford Whaling Museum recently posed on deck with copies of The Wanderer. Pictured here (l. to r.) are Craig Williams, Karl Collyer, Thomas Tucker, and Loulou Casi. The restoration is being conducted in stages, with the present focus being the removal of old sails and repairs to the rigging, all of which will be necessary prior to the new sails being bAug 28, 2005

0217051137 viewsKathy Goulart and Greg Galvan pose in their ‘70s garb with a copy of The Wanderer at the recent Dana Farber Cancer Benefit Dance held at the Knights of Columbus Hall on Route 6 in Mattapoisett on Saturday, February 12. The event, which featured classic ‘70s and ‘80s music, raised over $5,000 that will go directly for cancer research and treatment. (Photo by Michael Immel). 2/17/05 editionAug 28, 2005

0224051057 viewsIn the aftermath of the recent “Blizzard of 2005,” several residents of the Angelica Point neighborhood (Cove Street) in Mattapoisett celebrated the much-anticipated arrival of snow removal equipment by taking a photo with a copy of The Wanderer. (Photo by and courtesy of Alison McGrath). 2/24/05 editionAug 28, 2005

031005-11014 viewsResidents throughout the tri-town area are more than ready to “Think Spring!” as suggested by this friendly snowman seen here posing with his two friends, Gabe Chuckran of Marion and Marissa Lake of Mattapoisett, along with a copy of The Wanderer. The winter icon was perched at the corner of Randall Road and Route 6 in Mattapoisett last week in the aftermath of another hefty snowfall ... hopefully one of the last for this year. 3/10/05 editionAug 28, 2005

121803-51037 viewsRobert and Carol Cattley of Water Street in Mattapoisett recently took a trip to Wellington, New Zealand. They are seen posing here at the scenic Mount Victoria Lookout with a copy of Mattapoisett’s own The Wanderer. (Photo courtesy of Robert and Carol Cattley). 12/18/03 editionAug 25, 2005
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