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Art Center Shopping277 viewsShoppers got the chance to choose from unique pieces of artwork at the 2009 Marion Art Center Holiday Shop. Work from area artists included woodcarvings, paintings, fiber-arts, glass, and more. Photo by Anne O’Brien-Kakley.
Art Center Shopping287 viewsShoppers got the chance to choose from unique pieces of artwork at the 2009 Marion Art Center Holiday Shop. Work from area artists included woodcarvings, paintings, fiber-arts, glass, and more. Photo by Anne O’Brien-Kakley.
Holiday on Ice 299 viewsFirst grader Sophie Lynch of Marion performed at the recent Commonwealth Figure Skating Holiday on Ice show. Photo courtesy of Pam Erickson.
Historic Fire340 viewsThe Marion Fire Department responded to the fire within 4 minutes of Tom Dexter’s call on December 4, 2009, at approximately 10:00 pm. Crews were on the scene until about 1:00 am, trying to contain the flames.
Historic Fire308 viewsLittle pieces of burned Oriental rug were scattered like confetti in front of the house after the December 4 fire.
Historic Fire321 viewsSusan Dexter chased this piece of insulation before the wind took it into the Weweantic River. The fire left a mess of insulation, siding, broken glass and other debris, in close proximity to the River and Buzzard’s Bay.
Historic Fire344 viewsThe house will be temporarily parked on a corner of the Dexter’s property until they ultimate annex it onto their existing home.
Historic Fire309 viewsThis is the proposed location of the 1690 Dexter house. The Dexters tried to find another location for the house, but most of the available plots in Marion were either too expensive or land-locked.
Historic Fire345 viewsThe Dexters are trying to salvage the granite from the original foundation of the 1690 house. Bricks from a chimney are scattered at the old foundation. Susan Dexter used a metal detector to find artifacts from the site, and turned up an Indian-head penny and a couple heavily rusted items.
Historic Fire333 viewsThe insulation, seen here spilling out into an upstairs room, helped limit the amount of damage the house’s roof sustained. The exposed lathe and roof revealed hand-hewn beams that Mr. Dexter hopes to keep exposed in the house’s renovation.
Historic Fire313 viewsThe hole that was created in the roof from the fire would’ve been a lot worse if it hadn’t been for the Marion ladder truck and a quick-responding fire department.
Historic Fire341 viewsSoot and insulation is smeared on every surface of the house, especially the sections closest to the fire. The Dexters are relying on the generous offers from friends and community members to clean up the house before progressing with the house move.
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