The Wanderer Photo Gallery

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Cover Contest Entry397 viewsOne of the many entries in the 2009 Halloween Cover Contest
Cover Contest Entry413 viewsOne of the many entries in the 2009 Halloween Cover Contest
Cover Contest Entry424 viewsOne of the many entries in the 2009 Halloween Cover Contest
Cover Contest Entry392 viewsOne of the many entries in the 2009 Halloween Cover Contest
Contest Winner445 viewsThe winner of The Wanderer’s annual Halloween Cover Contest by Monique Major who won a Nintendo Wii for her efforts. There were twenty-eight entries and over three hundred people voted in this years contest! October 29, 2009 edition
Worst Case Scenario525 viewsFairhaven Fire Department hosted a full-scale exercise to improve emergency response in the region. Mattapoisett, Rochester, Dartmouth, Freetown, Acushnet, and New Bedford all responded to a disaster that simulated an accident between a school bus and an oil truck at Livesey Park in Fairhaven. Twenty drama students from New Bedford Vocational High School played the part of injured students who were assessed and treated for injuries. Photo by Anne O’Brien-Kakley.
Sparky Speaks526 viewsSparky, the Spokesdog for fire safety, waves to onlookers as he rides an antique fire engine at the 2009 Marion Fire Department Open House. Firefighters from the department served coffee, a hot breakfast, and allowed area residents to tour the facilities on the morning of October 10. Children enjoyed climbing on the engines and all the donuts they could eat. Photo by Anne O’Brien-Kakley. October 15, 2009 edition
Wanderers in China686 viewsThe Assing/Allan family poses in front of the Temple of Heaven, a famous Taoist Temple, in Beijing, July 2009. The family members from left to right are: Theo Assing, Wayne Assing, Emil Assing and Terry Allan. The family went to China for four weeks this past summer to visit Changsha where their son Theo was born 12 years ago.
Original Wanderer519 viewsA “treasure trove” of photos depicting the Wanderer, the final ship to be built in Mattapoisett’s Shipyard Park, was purchased by Brad and Priscilla Hathaway, who donated the photos to the Mattapoisett Historical Society in September, 2009. October 1, 2009 edition.
House Boat558 viewsOn September 22, a construction crew continues to work on dislodging a house on Wilber’s Point in Fairhaven. The house will be loaded onto a barge and floated over Buzzard’s Bay to its new location on Brant Beach Ave. in Mattapoisett. Since tides and winds are critical to safely moving the house, the move has been rescheduled several times. Photo by Anne O’Brien-Kakley
Remembering Waterman554 viewsThe Third Annual Waterman School Reunion took place at the Rochester Memorial School on Saturday, September 12 attracting over 100 former students of the venerable elementary school. Waterman school, which was in the building that now houses the Rochester Fire Department, was the forerunner to RMS during the first half of the Twentieth Century. The theme for this year's gathering was The War Years, remembering the World War II era. Photo by Robert Chiarito
Blast from the Past859 viewsIt was impulse-buying heaven at the 36th Annual Arts and Crafts Flea Market on September 5. The First Congregational Church of Rochester hosted the Market, which featured lots of eclectic vendors, baked goods, and local organizations. Photo by Anne O'Brien-Kakley
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