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2019 Halloween Cover Contest311 views2019 Halloween Cover Contest Entry by Deryn Veloso
2019 Halloween Cover Contest324 views2019 Halloween Cover Contest Entry by Shelly Gaouette
Lighthouse Halloween503 viewsThe spooky season is now among us, but then just like that, in the blink of a Jack o’ lantern’s eye, we will be into the Christmas season switching pumpkins for wreaths and candy corn for candy canes. In the meantime, enjoy the spooky sights around the Tri-Town, like this lighted carved pumpkin competing for attention with the light from the Ned’s Point Lighthouse. Photo by Felix Perez - October 24, 2019 edition
Spell that again?352 views Tucked away safely inside the Town Clerk’s Office is a list of 133 ways to misspell Mattapoisett. Ellis Mendell (1834-1907), the Mattapoisett postmaster around the turn of the century, kept a list of the many ways he has seen Mattapoisett misspelled on the letters that have passed through his post office. Which one is your favorite? Cover design by Paul Lopes
Rochester Farm Stand348 viewsIn Rochester you either run a farm stand or you patronize a farm stand. Either way, you can’t make it to the end of a windy Rochester road without encountering a farm stand at this time of year, stocked with the autumn essentials grown in the Rochester ground and picked by Rochester hands. Photo by Jean Perry October 3, 2019 edition
Bye, Bye, Birdie...392 views The summer has ended and soon it will be time for this handsome guy to head on south, or maybe not? Like some bird species, it’s becoming less uncommon for goldfinches to remain with us all winter, so long as the food supply is steady. Goldfinches love sunflowers, and as you can see, this one doesn’t care who’s watching him devour this glorious sunflower seed by beak-watering seed. Photo by Jean Perry - September 26, 2019 edition
Bird Island Lighthouse428 viewsOn September 14, Marion and its residents celebrated the bicentennial anniversary of the Bird Island Lighthouse. Built in 1819, the lighthouse was the very first on the southern coast of Massachusetts and an essential beacon for the busy commercial waters near Cape Cod before the canal was built. Photo by Carl Dias. September 19, 2019 edition
Abigail Field393 viewsThe delightful Abigail Field, a student of history and appreciator of historical female fashion, gave a presentation on women’s fashion from the World War I era at the Mattapoisett Museum on September 8. Dressed in clothing and jewelry typical of the period between 1910-1920, Field discussed the war’s impact on the evolution of women’s fashion, the ensuing concept of comfortable clothing, and the male-dominance of the fashion industry. Photo by Marilou Newell
Butterfly Cover400 viewsThis local monarch butterfly seen feeding on this butterfly bush will soon take part in the great fall migration across the continent that could take it as far as southwestern Mexico, a seemingly impossible 3,000-mile journey for a creature of such delicateness. She won’t be returning to the Tri-Town, though, after wintering for months in the Mexican mountains with the millions of other monarchs. Instead, she will make her way back up north, but only as far as Texas, where she will find some local milkweed.
Mattapoisett Harbor 460 viewsBetween Mattapoisett Harbor and a sunset, magic happens. Thank you to Laura McLean for leaping into action to capture this sublime Mattapoisett scene with her camera. Photo by Laura McLean. August 29, 2019 edition
Uncle Sam393 viewsThis ‘junior’ Uncle Sam was spotted during Center School’s Flag Day observation late last month, an event that marks the end of the school year and precedes the patriotic July Fourth celebrations. Photo by Jean Perry
Mattapoisett Land Trust 404 viewsThe Mattapoisett Land Trust received confirmation of a Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Grant for Pine Island Watershed. The state fund awarded to MLT, $960,000, will go towards the acquisition of over 100 acres of prime woodlands, wetlands, and wildlife habitat from private owners while protecting the significant acreage from future development. MLT will need to complete the purchase price of approximately $1.2 million through fundraising and donations. Photos courtesy of the Mattapoisett Land Trust
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