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Tinkhamtown Chapel Christmas Carol Singalong127 viewsSunday's participants in the Tinkhamtown Chapel Christmas Carol Singalong braved a dramatic, postsunset drop in temperature and enjoyed the warmth of a solo bonfire loaned to the event by Lee Heald. Gail Roberts led distributed sheet music and led in song with musicians Louise Anthony playing the fiddle and Jack Dean the ukulele. Roberts thanked the White family for providing refreshments, the Chapel committee for its effort in maintaining the chapel - December 23, 2021
Mattapoisett Fire Station148 viewsThe Mattapoisett Fire Station Building Committee has seen through to completion the town’s new facility on Route 6. Before the December 11 raising of the American flag, hundreds gathered inside to hear from the committee’s members and town officials. Fire Chief Andrew Murray presented the shovel that first broke ground to Committee Chairman Mike Hickey and certificates of appreciation to Hickey, Committee member William Kantor, Fire Department Captain Jordan Collyer, Photos by Mick Colageo
Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus148 viewsMr. and Mrs. Santa Claus make their turn through Rochester Village onto New Bedford Road on December 5. Transported by the Rochester Fire Department on a journey that began at Fire Station No. 3 at 200 Ryder Road and accompanied by Santa’s helpers riding along in trucks, Mr. and Mrs. Claus made their way down many Rochester roads, spending hours to visit hundreds of children waiting at the end of their driveways and on street corners. A Google map device tracked Santa’s whereabouts throughout the ride. Phot
Wild Turkeys141 viewsWild turkeys as depicted by contributing writer and artist George B. Emmons, whose column in this issue discusses the revival of the bird symbolic to America’s Thanksgiving tradition. Despite being brought to America by colonists in 1620, hunting and deforestation had made them scarce in the northeast until U.S. Fish and Wildlife began transplanting them back from other areas in 1969. Now they are plentiful and roam freely in our neighborhoods. Illustration by George B. Emmons
Mattapoisett Sunset134 viewsA spectacular sunset is a spectacular sunset anytime of the year, and this one took over southwest Mattapoisett on November 10, only an hour earlier than it would have in October. The afternoons were already getting shorter before the resetting of the clocks dramatically altered our seasonal mindscape under a sun that sits farther and farther south, giving way earlier in the day to big orange moons emerging from the horizon. Photo by Marilou Newell
Storm Damage176 viewsAn uprooted tree lays across the front lawn of a ranch house on Front Street near Silvershell Beach in Marion last Friday. Earlier in the day, a Mattapoisett Fire truck monitored the scene after a downed powerline caused a fire and closed Water Street down the street from Town Hall. North of Route 195 in Mattapoisett, a snapped-off tree is held up by a utility wire. Photos by Mick Colageo and Marilou Newell. November 4, 2021 edition
2021 Halloween Cover Contest119 views2021 Halloween Cover Contest by Vera Gibbons
2021 Halloween Cover Contest111 views2021 Halloween Cover Contest by Trillian White
2021 Halloween Cover Contest98 views2021 Halloween Cover Contest by Theodore Mcdonald
2021 Halloween Cover Contest91 views2021 Halloween Cover Contest by Sophia Meleo
2021 Halloween Cover Contest65 views2021 Halloween Cover Contest by Sebastian Spinale
2021 Halloween Cover Contest76 views2021 Halloween Cover Contest by Lily Kipling
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