The Wanderer Photo Gallery

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Puerto Rico574 viewsThe Dyson and Goss families of Mattapoisett recently visited Puerto Rico during the February school vacation week and took this photo posing with The Wanderer at the resort where they stayed. (Photo by Franck Tebou). (03/06/08 issue)
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Church Ski Trip660 viewsOn Saturday, March 1, 2008, a Motor Coach filled with members and friends of the Mattapoisett Congregational Church spent a spectacular day of skiing at Ragged Mountain in Danbury, NH. A most recent copy of The Wanderer is being held in the picture. (Photo courtesy of Rick Vigeant). (03/06/08 issue)
Cactus Calling570 viewsNeringa M. Atkinson of Mattapoisett poses with a copy of The Wanderer while in Cave Creek, Arizona in September. She was there for a 3-day intensive computer graphics seminar and for 4 days of fun and exploration. (03/06/08 issue)
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Mayan, Not Yours613 viewsRochester resident Deianeira Underhill (9 years old) is seen here standing in a Mayan Dig Site sporting a copy of The Wanderer on a recent family vacation. (Photo courtesy of Dawn Underhill). (01/24/08 issue)
Tahiti Twosome579 viewsDanielle Francis and Jean-Jacques Laurent pose with a copy of The Wanderer in Papeete, Tahiti (French Polynesia) on Christmas Day 2007, with a copy of The Wanderer at the Beach Comber Hotel. (01/24/08 issue)

Azorean Trip618 viewsMr. and Mrs. Bill Hubbard of Mattapoisett are pictured posing in front of Mr. Hubbard’s grandmother’s house in Saint Michael’s, Azores, holding a copy of The Wanderer during a recent vacation trip. (Photo courtesy of Tim Smith). (01/24/08 issue)

Beach Buddies592 viewsChad and Joel Lavoie are seen holding a copy of The Wanderer while swimming at Megan’s Bay in Saint Thomas, USVI, on New Year’s Day 2008. (Photo courtesy of Joyce Lavoie). (01/24/08 issue)

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Texas Tour617 viewsLifelong Mattapoisett resident Blanche Perry poses with grandchildren Meghan, Chris and Raymond Sottak, on the overlook at Franklin Mountain State Park with a copy of The Wanderer during her recent visit to Fort Bliss in El Paso, Texas. (Photo courtesy of Tracey Sottak).
Out of Africa568 viewsFrank and Betsey Beatriz of Mattapoisett pose with a copy of The Wanderer outside a South African ronderal, where they stayed in January of 2007 with Betsey’s parents, Lieutenant Commander Calvin F. Perkins (retired) and Donetta Perkins, also of Mattapoisett.
Magic Kingdom580 viewsRoss and Brady Gracia pose with a copy of The Wanderer just outside of MGM Studios in Florida during their October vacation.
Palace Platoon697 views2nd Platoon, ‘Crazy’-Troop, 3rd Squadron 7th U.S. Cavalry pose on the balcony of a former Uday Hussein palace in Baghdad’s Adamayia district. L. to R., front: SPC Gentile, PV2 Lawson, SPC Zehme, PFC Patrick, PFC Kimble; middle: SFC Shoffner, SSG Winkel, SSG Faulkner, SGT Van Wyk, SSG Liebsch, SGT Lopez, SGT Whipple, PFC Philbrook, SSG Doerfler; rear: PFC Rekow, PFC Boyd, SPC Gilispie, SPC Jerolmen, SPC Schaub, PVT Martinez, 2LT Wilkin, SSG Bull, SGT Hardman, PFC Manzo, PFC Syphus, SGT Harp, PFC Woodbridge.
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No Bull!683 viewsPeter Greco of Mattapoisett and Katie Collins of Marion pose with a copy of The Wanderer in Pamplona, Spain in July 2007 during the “Running with the Bulls.” (11/08/07 issue)
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