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Police Planting
The Mattapoisett Lions Club, represented by chapter president Steve Magyar (far left), recently presented a replica check for $300 to Mattapoisett Tree Warden Roland Cote and Mattapoisett Tree Committee members Sandy Hering and Ed Walsh, to pay for a recently-planted Princeton Elm at the Mattapoisett Police Station on Route 6. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).

Police Planting

The Mattapoisett Lions Club, represented by chapter president Steve Magyar (far left), recently presented a replica check for $300 to Mattapoisett Tree Warden Roland Cote and Mattapoisett Tree Committee members Sandy Hering and Ed Walsh, to pay for a recently-planted Princeton Elm at the Mattapoisett Police Station on Route 6. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).

MTCongRummage3.jpg ShepleySnow.jpg MTLionsTreePlanting.jpg ORRHomelessShelter.jpg JS_Beach.jpg
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