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Tabor Academy
By the numbers, the Tabor Academy community service co-curricular has produced this winter: 300 cookies and 22 lasagnas for local senior citizens and the Good Shepherd Church; 6 tables set and 48 place settings for 8 weekly dinners for local people in need; dozens of toys cleaned and prepared for local children; pounds of trash collected from local beaches; 10 hours volunteering at elementary school programs; and many news friends, including 1 iguana. Photos courtesy Tabor Academy

Tabor Academy

By the numbers, the Tabor Academy community service co-curricular has produced this winter: 300 cookies and 22 lasagnas for local senior citizens and the Good Shepherd Church; 6 tables set and 48 place settings for 8 weekly dinners for local people in need; dozens of toys cleaned and prepared for local children; pounds of trash collected from local beaches; 10 hours volunteering at elementary school programs; and many news friends, including 1 iguana. Photos courtesy Tabor Academy

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