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Marion Natural History Museum
The Marion Natural History Museum wishes to thank Blake Dinius, entomologist with the Plymouth County Extension Service, for sharing his knowledge of our backyard bugs.  Did you know that the cecropia moth is Massachusetts’ largest insect? And that it has a wingspan of up to 6 inches? Blake also brought in a live praying mantis and many specimens of moths and winged insects under glass to take a close up look at with magnifiers. The museum also wishes to thank all the volunteers who helped with the program

Marion Natural History Museum

The Marion Natural History Museum wishes to thank Blake Dinius, entomologist with the Plymouth County Extension Service, for sharing his knowledge of our backyard bugs. Did you know that the cecropia moth is Massachusetts’ largest insect? And that it has a wingspan of up to 6 inches? Blake also brought in a live praying mantis and many specimens of moths and winged insects under glass to take a close up look at with magnifiers. The museum also wishes to thank all the volunteers who helped with the program

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