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Santa’s Workshop
On the snowy night of December 15, high school students and some rambunctious kids gathered for some fun at ‘Santa’s Workshop’ in the ORRHS Cafeteria.  Senior Class President Gabriel Noble-Shriver and Vice President Rachel Demmer, along with Class of 2018 advisors Merrideth Wickman and Michael Nailor, hosted an evening of crafts, dancing, games, and a movie so parents could holiday shop. The funds raised will help defray the cost of Senior Class activities and expenses. Submitted photos by Erin Bednarczyk

Santa’s Workshop

On the snowy night of December 15, high school students and some rambunctious kids gathered for some fun at ‘Santa’s Workshop’ in the ORRHS Cafeteria. Senior Class President Gabriel Noble-Shriver and Vice President Rachel Demmer, along with Class of 2018 advisors Merrideth Wickman and Michael Nailor, hosted an evening of crafts, dancing, games, and a movie so parents could holiday shop. The funds raised will help defray the cost of Senior Class activities and expenses. Submitted photos by Erin Bednarczyk

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