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Sparky Speaks
Sparky, the Spokesdog for fire safety, waves to onlookers as he rides an antique fire engine at the 2009 Marion Fire Department Open House. Firefighters from the department served coffee, a hot breakfast, and allowed area residents to tour the facilities on the morning of October 10. Children enjoyed climbing on the engines and all the donuts they could eat. Photo by Anne O’Brien-Kakley. October 15, 2009 edition

Sparky Speaks

Sparky, the Spokesdog for fire safety, waves to onlookers as he rides an antique fire engine at the 2009 Marion Fire Department Open House. Firefighters from the department served coffee, a hot breakfast, and allowed area residents to tour the facilities on the morning of October 10. Children enjoyed climbing on the engines and all the donuts they could eat. Photo by Anne O’Brien-Kakley. October 15, 2009 edition

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