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Cheerleader Champs
The ORRHS cheerleaders placed first in their division at the SCC Southeast League competition. They and will be competing in SCC Regionals on March 4, 2012 at Dartmouth High School. Back Row L-R:  Taylor Fien, Aja Duff, Alexis Stampley, Christina Sebastiao, Heather Nadeau, Victoria Medeiros and Shelby Cunningham. Front Row L-R: Brittany Brzezinski, Sam Allaire, Mattie Boyle, Courtney Tranfaglia, and Alex Duff-Thompson. Photo courtesy of Patricia McArdle

Cheerleader Champs

The ORRHS cheerleaders placed first in their division at the SCC Southeast League competition. They and will be competing in SCC Regionals on March 4, 2012 at Dartmouth High School. Back Row L-R: Taylor Fien, Aja Duff, Alexis Stampley, Christina Sebastiao, Heather Nadeau, Victoria Medeiros and Shelby Cunningham. Front Row L-R: Brittany Brzezinski, Sam Allaire, Mattie Boyle, Courtney Tranfaglia, and Alex Duff-Thompson. Photo courtesy of Patricia McArdle

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