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Starlab Constellations 
The Marion Natural History Museum's afterschool program learned about some of our winter constellations on Wednesday February 29th.  Newly trained Starlab presenter Bob Munroe read a Native American story about the stars and the participants used a pointer to find the most familiar of the constellations. Photo courtesy of Elizabeth Leidhold

Starlab Constellations

The Marion Natural History Museum's afterschool program learned about some of our winter constellations on Wednesday February 29th. Newly trained Starlab presenter Bob Munroe read a Native American story about the stars and the participants used a pointer to find the most familiar of the constellations. Photo courtesy of Elizabeth Leidhold

858_CrustyOld.jpg 856_butterbeans.jpg Starlab_063.jpg Starlab_053.jpg SCchamber_7939_0308.jpg
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