Update on Stretch Code Changes

Town Administrator Geoffrey Gorman and Energy Management Committee Chair Alanna Nelson are pleased to share new information about the recently updated state building code regarding energy efficiency standards for new construction, building alterations, and additions.

            The Stretch Energy Code first became effective in 2009 and was adopted by Marion when the Town joined the Massachusetts Green Communities program in 2018. The first major revision to the Code was effective in 2023, with a second revision effective on February 14, 2025, in response to stakeholder input.

            To introduce and explain the recent Stretch Energy Code update to residents, Energy Management Committee Chair Nelson and Building Inspector Bob Grillo hosted a presentation on March 11 at Marion Music Hall with speakers Lisa Sullivan, regional coordinator for Green Communities, and Mike Rossi, an energy code specialist for PSD Consulting.

            The key changes for residential renovations focus on which portions of the home would need to meet Home Energy Rating System (HERS) index score requirements. In this latest version of the Stretch Energy Code, a basement or attic addition that does not alter the footprint or roofline does not trigger new HERS Rating requirements.

            For major alterations, however, the maximum HERS index score was eased from a rating of 52 to 65 for a mixed-fuel building; from 55 to 70 for a building with solar electric generation; from 55 to 70 for an all-electric building; and from 58 to 75 for a solar electric and all-electric building.

            Additionally, the code now provides guidance for Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs). The update states that a maximum HERS index score for an ADU is 52 for a mixed-fuel building; 55 for solar electric generation; 55 for an all-electric building; and 58 for a solar electric and all-electric building.

            The update to the code also removes a requirement that a building’s thermal envelope shall be greater than or equal to the levels of efficiency of the 2015 International Energy Conservation Code.

            And the update provides an exception for “historic buildings,” which may opt out for alterations, additions and change of use.

            The updates apply retroactively to any building permit filed as of January 1, 2023.

            When the Stretch Energy Code was revised in 2023, anyone constructing home additions larger than 1,000 square feet would have to show that the entire house met the HERS Score rating requirements. For additions to older homes, this could mean a whole lot of extra work.

            However, the 2025 update to the code is retroactive, providing relief to property owners undergoing renovation projects in the past two years who would otherwise be subject to meeting the HERS Score rating requirements.

            “Marion has overall a fairly old building stock. So, the changes and the fact that this is retroactive is very helpful for residential projects,” said Energy Management Committee Chair Nelson.

            For a more detailed explanation of the Stretch Energy Code and how the 2025 updates are being applied, Marion residents can go online to www.marionma.gov/857/Stretch-Code-Green-Communities-Informati to view a slideshow presentation and a flyer.

            In-person training and live webinars are also being facilitated by Mass Save, a collaborative of Massachusetts’ electric and natural gas utilities: www.masssave.com/en/trade-partners/events-and-trainings-calendar?page=1.

            As of late 2024, 297 cities and towns in Massachusetts have been designated by the state as Green Communities. Of those, 253 municipalities have adopted the Stretch Energy Code.

            Through its participation in the Green Communities Program, Marion has received more than $750,000 in grant funding for energy efficiency projects and improvements that have reduced town’s electricity consumption by 24% since 2018.

            “It was good to hear the questions and input at the meeting. Everyone who couldn’t come can find the presentation slides on the Energy Management Committee page of the Town website,” said Energy Management Committee Chair Nelson. “We want new buildings to be energy efficient and cost effective in the long run. It reduces utility costs for those who live in these homes and fits with the Commonwealth’s shift away from fossil fuels.”

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