Entering the Elizabeth Taber Library on March 24 for the grand reopening upon the completion of renovations, one was first struck by the gleaming appearance of the newly renovated space – shining bright like a diamond. The 15-week renovation project was funded by a local benefactor who had remained anonymous until now.
Executive Board member Lucia Jaccaci stated, “we thank Nancy Braitmayer, without whom none of this would have been possible. … Nancy’s love for our town and her passion for the library are both inspirational and transformational. Her generosity, dedication, and vision were instrumental in every aspect of this renovation.” Speaking directly to Braitmayer, Jaccaci said, “Nancy, from the bottom of our hearts – thank you for making this dream become a reality.”
Other comments included were from Executive Board member and Chair of the Building Committee Kyle Pardo, who thanked all for their attendance and support, then introduced Board of Trustees Association President David Finn-Clarke.
Finn-Clarke said that, for generations, the library has been a cherished gathering space. He spoke of the numerous programs and learning opportunities the library has offered over the decades, and now is ready for continuing its service to the community.
“While the heart of the library had remained strong, the time had come for much needed renovations to ensure it continues to serve our community,” Finn-Clarke said, calling it “an exciting new chapter.”
Finn-Clarke went on to say there was a clear vision, which was to honor the library’s rich history while creating a fresh, inviting and functional space. He said they had worked hard to preserve its classic architectural charm while adding modern updates for the comfort and accessibility of the spaces. He also gave special thanks and acknowledgement of board members Kyle Parso and Lucia Jaccaci of the renovation committee for the spearheading of the renovations and coordinating a myriad of details.
Library staff members were thanked by Finn-Clarke for their flexibility, patience and dedication throughout the two moving processes required to keep library services operational while the main building was under construction. Those employees are Macy Davis, Marie Yang, Lynda Schneider, Emily Newell and Library Director Liz Sherry.
Pardo’s additional comments and words of gratitude were for the town’s administration including the Select Board, town administrator, and the town’s Facilities Department managed by Shaun Cormier.
The project architect was David King, project manager John Sabbag, and constructors Stukel Contractors.
In attendance was State Representative Mark Sylvia, who gave the library an official congratulatory citation.
Elizabeth Taber Library
By Marilou Newell