Temperatures so far this summer have had swimmers flocking to the nearest body of water to keep cool. On Saturday, July 7, nearly 300 swimmers will plunge into Buzzards Bay in order to raise money to help preserve the Buzzards Bay Watershed by participating in the 19th Annual Buzzards Bay Swim.
“I think the planning has gone very well this year,” said the Buzzards Bay Coalition’s Vice President of Operations Maureen Coleman. “I think we are very lucky. The swimmers have really risen to the challenge this year.”
The racecourse spans 1.2 miles, kicking off at Davy’s Locker in New Bedford and finishing at Fort Phoenix in Fairhaven. A party and awards ceremony will be held upon completing of the race. Live bands and Fun 107.1 will be on site to provide entertainment.
Registration for the race closed earlier this week. 294 swimmers is the official count for 2012, which is approximately 80 more than 2011’s 216 participants. The majority of the racers come from the Tri-Town and Southeastern Massachusetts even though the event is open to swimmers across the state.
“We’ve seen incredible growth. It’s very exciting,” said Coleman.
So far, the racers have raised $56,000, but they can also raise money through sponsors. If the racers generate $100,000, longtime swimmer Larry Fish will donate an additional $25,000 to the Coalition.
“All of the money raised supports all of our work,” said Coleman. “We are dedicated to the restoration, protection and sustainable use and enjoyment of the watershed.”
Coleman said that while the Coalition focuses on a variety of different aspects in preserving the Buzzards Bay Watershed one of the key areas of concern today is the nitrogen pollution.
“It is literally choking the life out of our coves and harbors,” she said. “Luckily we have a strong advocacy program to protect that town by town.”
For more information on volunteer opportunities with the Buzzards Bay Coalition or to sponsor a swimmer, visit www.savebuzzardsbay.org.
By Katy Fitzpatrick