It’s hunting season at Peirson Woods in Marion – Easter egg hunting season, that is – and on Sunday, April 14, nearly a dozen or so local children armed with their Easter baskets led a successful hunt indeed, managing to round up over 600 eggs left hidden by a benevolent Sippican Lands Trust.
The annual hunt began with a whistle, signaling to the young hunters that it was time to hop to it. They scoured the forest floor for their prey, peeked behind rocks and fallen trees, foraged through the low-lying brush and branches, and searched inside the hollows of old tree trunks until every egg was found.
From above, the abundant sunshine penetrated the still leafless trees all the way down to the daffodils that line the trail, as the ospreys kept a close watch on the commotion below. It felt like the first official day of spring as the sun warmed the decaying leaves and pine needles on the earth left damp from the day before, which rained out the original date for the annual event. Nonetheless, Sunday proved to be the better morning for the Easter festivities, and the perfect prelude for the celebrations to come next Sunday on Easter proper.
By Jean Perry