Senior Center a Major Goal for FMCOA

The Friends of the Marion Council on Aging celebrate their second year of operation this month. FMCOA President Susan Wood hopes to have a senior center on the drawing board within the next five to ten years and placed this as a major goal for the organization.

“Census figures show that as of 2010, those over age 60 in Marion is 30 percent of the total population and, by 2030, the projection is 40 percent,” said Wood.

Today, in order to participate in COA services and activities, Marion seniors must travel to neighboring Rochester, Mattapoisett or Fairhaven.

“Services are therefore scattered and piecemeal,” continued Wood. “We live in a town with a multitude of opportunities and yet are missing the boat on this crucial need.” She called visiting these other centers “a real eye opener as to just how much a part of the town’s fabric they can become.”

“As one expert aptly put it,” said Wood, “‘if you build it, they will come.’”

The organization has a list of accomplishments during their first two years, including a membership level of 147 charter and supporting members. The group has received donations of over $15,000 and presented a gift of $2,500 to the Marion COA for distribution and expansion of the COA newsletter.

To keep people informed and involved, the FMCOA launched an online calendar of events on the Town of Marion website to keep seniors and others aware of events around town.

But, says Wood, the support of the entire community is required to make a senior center in Marion a reality. “It’s my guess that almost everyone from age five and up has someone who is a senior in their life … our given mission is to raise funds for the COA so that they can provide programs and services to our senior population.”

Wood said the long-range goal is to assist the town in obtaining a center where seniors can gather for support, socialization, fitness and or any other services that help seniors continue an active, independent lifestyle.

The second annual meeting of the FMCOA will be held at the Marion Music Hall in October, on a date to be announced.

You can find the FMCOA calendar of events at

All donations or contributions are welcome. You can send a check for any amount to: FMCOA, P.O. Box 937, Marion, MA 02738.

By Joan Hartnett-Barry


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