Chairperson Marthe Soden was delighted to report to the Marion Scholarship Education Fund Committee that the town’s scholarship fund is approaching $3,000.
Referencing a January 29 discussion with Marion Finance Director Judy Mooney, Soden relayed the figure is up to $2,789. “That’s like $3,000 to me,” she said when the committee met on February 2 via Zoom. “This is great because the last time … we were able to give one $750 scholarship. That’s like one textbook these days.”
The meeting was also attended by committee members Steve Cook and Old Rochester Regional Superintendent of Schools Mike Nelson.
Soden also reported that the Education Fund stands at $1,396, an encouraging sign, especially after last fall’s purchase of a large, portable touchscreen for Sippican School. Soden said the committee’s fundraising had been limited to an inclusion that went out with tax bills.
It is expected the committee will send out notices in the local press soliciting scholarship applications. “Due to the generosity of the Marion residents, we have scholarships to offer,” said Soden. Nelson said he would handle the publicity.
The final item on the agenda was new members. “We have a lovely little committee, but we could use a little infusion of new blood,” said Soden, who pitched Patricia White for the committee’s consideration. Soden said White has experience on other committees that award scholarships, including an artists’ collaborative, and reported White’s interest.
The committee anticipates setting a date for its next meeting after scholarship applications are in.
Marion Scholarship Education Fund Committee
By Mick Colageo