ORRJHS Student Wins Silver Key in Scholastic Art & Writing Awards

Old Rochester Regional School District and MA Superintendency Union #55 Superintendent Michael S. Nelson and Principal Silas Coellner are proud to announce that an eighth grader from Old Rochester Regional Junior High School is being honored with a Silver Key from the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards for the Massachusetts region.

            Sophie Zhou, an eighth-grade student, received a Silver Key in the Drawing & Illustration category for her piece, “Balancing Act.” The drawing is a self-portrait that depicts a girl in a yellow shirt balancing three books on her head.

            “This piece in particular was one where I was experimenting with colors. It is a self-portrait in which I tried to utilize every color in the rainbow while coloring the skin,” said Zhou, who grew up in a family of artists. “I also experimented with posture and drawing how gravity affected the books on my head. I was inspired by the symbolism of consuming knowledge, balance, and fragility.”

            Dating back to 1923, the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards is the nation’s longest-running, most prestigious recognition program for creative teens, rewarding outstanding creative achievements by students in grades 7-12. Each year, thousands of young artists across the country submit their work for consideration, based on 28 categories of art and writing.

            This year, the Massachusetts region received nearly 8,000 individual art entries. A total of 730 Silver Keys and 1,330 Honorable Mentions were awarded across the state.

            Zhou, whose love for drawing came before she was old enough for school, said she was surprised and grateful for the Silver Key award.

            “When I got the email that awards had been given, I set it aside until later that day because I did not expect anything,” Zhou said. “When I checked and found out that I had been awarded a silver key, I was shocked. My main reaction was along the lines of, ‘No way!’ It felt really rewarding to be recognized for my art.”

            Superintendent Nelson commended Sophie for her achievement, emphasizing the dedication and creativity required to stand out in such a competitive field.

            “Sophie’s recognition in the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards is a reflection of her talent, hard work, and passion for artistic expression,” Superintendent Nelson said. “We are incredibly proud of her for earning this honor, and we celebrate the creativity she brings to our school community.”

            Principal Coellner also praised Sophie’s accomplishment and the importance of artistic opportunities for students.

            “Sophie’s artwork demonstrates both technical skill and a unique artistic voice, and we are thrilled to see her talent recognized at such a high level,” Principal Coellner said. “The arts play a vital role in education, fostering creativity and self-expression, and we are proud to support our students as they pursue their passions.”

            Sophie and other Silver Key recipients from across the state have been invited to an awards ceremony at Cohen Auditorium on the Tufts Medford Campus on Sunday, March 16.

            For more information about the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards and to see the full list of winners, visit the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards of Massachusetts website.

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