ORR Facilities Manager Steps Down

Old Rochester Regional Facilities Manager Steve Murphy resigned unexpectedly on Thursday, March 15 from the district. Murphy said he is moving onto a job in the private industry.

Since he was hired in May 2010, he has spearheaded many projects at the schools – including the installation of Direct Digital Control systems at the ORR Campus, Sippican Elementary School and Rochester Memorial School. Designed to save energy costs, the DDC system networks all of a school’s machinery – including boilers, air systems, lighting and alarms – to a centralized controller.

Murphy also renegotiated several utility contracts, which led to savings at all district schools.

Superintendent Doug White said Murphy’s efforts saved the district money during his time at the helm of  facilities.

“His guidance and support improved the quality of the environment for all students,” he said, and reflected that there was “some laughter” shared as well.

“We wish him the best,” White added.

“I  loved working there and I loved the people, and I’ve had some excellent adventures,” Murphy said of his departure. “But I believe I am heading in the right direction.”

He especially credited White for his efforts to improve the district. “I’ve become a better man for working under Doug White. He is forward thinking and he knows what’s good for everybody. He’s awesome.”

Murphy added that he has laid the groundwork for the DDC Systems and trained personnel – so his successor is in good shape to pick up where he left off going forward. White said an advertisement will be posted soon to find a replacement.

“We hope we can find someone with similar skills sets to bring to the district,” White said.

By Laura Fedak Pedulli



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