Editor’s Note: As we did since the onset of the pandemic, The Wanderer has invited candidates in contested races to submit up to 350 words about their candidacy for public office. This week we have the three candidates for two open seats on the Trustees of the Mattapoisett Public Library: Bill Coquillette, Don Fleming and incumbent Mike Rosa. On May 12, we will publish statements from the candidates in the Select Board races in Marion and Mattapoisett, along with Marion’s Planning Board race. On May 19, we will publish the statements of candidates for Rochester School Committee and Select Board.
Bill Coquillette – Trustees of Mattapoisett Public Library
I am seeking to serve as Library Trustee based on two things: (1) my love of the Mattapoisett Library and (2) a desire to contribute my experience as a board member to the service of the Library. Love of the Mattapoisett Library runs in the Coquillette family. Some voters may remember my parents, Bob and Dagmar Coquillette, who lived for many years at 22 North Street and were enthusiastic supporters of the Library. When my wife and I bought a home in Mattapoisett in 2011 shortly after my father’s death, I continued the family tradition by joining the board of the Mattapoisett Library Trust and the search committee for the new Director of the Library. In addition to my love of the Library, I have many years of experience as a board member which I believe will be useful as Library Trustee. For 37 years, I was a lawyer in the Cleveland office of a large international law firm. For much of that time, I also served as a board member for several companies. Since retiring from the law firm in 2013, I have continued to work quite actively as a board member of four companies and currently serve as Chairman of the Board of two of them. I also bring many years of experience serving as a board member for over a dozen nonprofit organizations. (My longest commitment was to the Cleveland Foodbank, which I helped found in the early 1980s and for which I served as board chair on two separate occasions.) Here in Mattapoisett, I currently am serving as a board member and Treasurer of the Friends of the Mattapoisett Bicycle Path and as a board member of the Buttonwood Park Zoological Society, in addition to the Mattapoisett Library Trust. Through my experience on both for-profit and nonprofit boards, I have developed an approach to serving as a board member: I am practical, not ideological. I do my homework, listen to what others have to say and work to create a consensus around key decisions. That’s the approach I would bring as Library Trustee.
Donald J. Fleming – Trustees of Mattapoisett Public Library
I have lived in Mattapoisett since 1963 and I have served a total of 44 years as your Town Moderator, Town Counsel and Town Assessor, plus a stint on the Conservation Commission and at least two school building committees. My five children attended Mattapoisett Public Schools. I love this Town very much and the people in it, and we have a growing problem that needs to be addressed. First, we are not stepping up and doing what is necessary to ensure that our community has a healthy growth. Vacancies on several boards and committees lack interest, indicating we neglect of our schools, public health and our critical water supply. I believe our library is one of the Town’s gems, and it must set a course that will preserve its beauty. Secondly, confusion about the growth of this Town requires drastic action. The Select Board and town administrator tell us that school enrollment is shrinking, but it grew 20-plus students this school year. If our Select Board cannot explain the problem, then how is a state-sponsored study supposed to solve it? A serious decline in enrollment will impact the services of Library, which services not only our youth but our elderly and others. Yet the Select Board has not reached out to the Library to include them in any planning required by a decline in our young population. If the Select Board fails to reach out to other Town departments, then the Library Trustees have to go knocking on their door to ensure it is involved. I believe the Citizens of the Town deserve to know what is in the study requested of UMass Boston and to be fully informed; that is why I am running for Library Trustee, to ensure that we protect our “crown jewels” and focus on how we get citizens to do their duty and participate in governing this wonderful Town. I wish to thank both ORCTV and the Wanderer for reaching out to the candidates and providing them with a forum to address the Citizens of Mattapoisett.
Mike Rosa – Mattapoisett Library Trustees
I am currently running for re-election to the Mattapoisett Library Trustees. I have served on the Board for the past three years and hold the position of Treasurer. During the past three years, the Board has developed an investment strategy that, along with the generous donations received from our Annual Appeal, has seen our assets increase by over 60 percent. This has resulted in many improvements to the library, including both aesthetic enhancements and increases in programming and activities for our patrons. The library continues to be a cultural hub of our community, providing not only traditional assets such as books, eBooks, audiobooks, CDs and videos, but also technological assets such as 3D printing and STEAM kits. My education consists of a degree in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering coupled with a Masters in Business Administration. This has enabled me to look at the practical and logistical sides of an issue or problem, while also analyzing the financial aspects involved in choosing the best alternative. I have been engaged in community activities throughout my life, from volunteering as a Little League manager, umpire and president of the league, though currently driving for the Mattapoisett Council on Aging. I am also a member of the Mattapoisett Capital Planning Committee. Led by our Library Director and dedicated staff, the Mattapoisett Public Library has emerged from the challenges of the past two years to return to the same level of service and community engagement that has been the hallmark of the library. The library has reengaged the community from preschoolers to seniors with summer programming, cultural programs, lectures, films, musical performances and much more. The library is at the center of any community, and the Mattapoisett Public Library has admirably filled that role in our town. I am proud to have served on the Board of Trustees and look forwarding to continue our work for the benefit of our citizens.