There was food, games, music, perfect weather, and a constant ebb and flow of partygoers on Saturday, August 27, as Marion celebrated what Chris Berg, Town Party Committee chairman, called “Our wonderful town!”
The contributions of the fire and police departments, various other town departments, and the efforts of all the volunteers were recognized by Berg as he introduced Michelle Richardson, who sang the Star Spangled Banner during the opening ceremonies. The police color guard, comprised of Officers Kris Smith and Anthony DiCarlo, stood at attention as those in attendance took a moment to appreciate our country.
Then it was back to the party.
“All the games are free,” said Selectman and committee member Steve Gonsalves. He said that about seven years ago, after the town party had experienced stops and starts, the event was once again something to look forward to each August.
The first town party was held in the 1800s, Berg explained. “Back in those days,” he said, “it was called Marigold Days.”
“It’s a great time for families to come together, be together,” Gonsalves said. “It’s keeping a tradition alive.”
“This year, the town party is dedicated to the VFW,” Gonsalves explained. He said it was bittersweet that the Benjamin D. Cushing V.F.W. Post 2425 has had to close due to dwindling membership and building costs. The post has asked the town to accept the building as a gift. Decision on that is currently pending, Gonsalves said.
Party committee member Donna Hemphill said the committee had striven to keep the party affordable so that families could come out and participate.
Hemphill said it was important to recognize two platinum level sponsors of this year’s party: Tabor Academy and the Kittansett Club.
Of the food, Gonsalves laughed, “It’s all fresh and it’s cheap.”
Long tables decorated with strands of twinkly lights allowed community members to mix and mingle while enjoying a bite to eat.
Little ones frolicked at various activities from making crafts, to making huge bubbles, playing basketball, hitting a baseball in a large inflated venue, and climbing a rock wall.
As the DJ pumped out the musical jams, performers entertained the crowd with synchronized dance moves.
At 8:30 pm, the bonfire was set ablaze and quickly shot up 75 feet into the night sky to the awe of all in attendance. As the flames subsided and people started to drift away, many were commenting on what a great day it had been – truly a tradition worth saving.
By Marilou Newell
My daughters Makenna and Ava in the pictures. Thank You we all had a great time at the Town party!