The tone was a solemn one, as most Veterans Day observances are when giving thanks for those who have given part of their life or perhaps all of their life serving in the military or fighting in a foreign war. Yet this year’s observance in Marion was especially bittersweet, given that the Benjamin D. Cushing VFW Post 2425, which has served the community for over eight decades, disbanded this year due to lack of membership. However, the Post 2425 members gave one final gift to the town that will continue giving well into the future: the VFW building.
Eighty-four flags, placed by Selectmen Chairman and Marion Recreation Department Director Jody Dickerson, stemmed up from the ground around the VFW sign on the lawn at 456 Mill Street signifying the 84 years Post 2425 has served the community of Marion. Dickerson took the opportunity not simply to thank the veterans for their sacrifice and for the many years of events, fundraisers, and scholarships, but also to thank them for entrusting the town with the building, and thus allow for a proper senior center to be established for the citizens of Marion.
“Since I started this (speech), I’ve said the words ‘thank you’ six times already,” Dickerson said with emotion in his voice and visibly in his eyes. “Today, I remove my title as selectman and just stand here as a grateful American.”
Guest speaker, Captain Eduardo Fernandez, a faculty member at the U.S. Naval War College in Newport, shared some harrowing experiences of his time serving in combat in Afghanistan, emphasizing the dedication those who served in combat with him displayed, even after witnessing the horrors fellow soldiers had endured.
“Bravery, perseverance, and commitment…” said Fernandez. “The dedication of soldiers who knew about the horrible injuries and deaths that their fellow soldiers suffered, yet continued…” He asked of those in attendance, “Let us endeavor to let [them] know that they did not suffer in vain.”
Post Commander Delmiro “Demi” Barros gave a heartfelt thank you to the town and an emotional good-bye of sorts on behalf of VFW Post 2425.
“This has been a grueling ten months for me when we got the notice we were going to have to shut the doors,” said Barros. “It’s been a big part of my life. I’m having a hard time with this…”
Looking over the years of photos, files, and newspaper clippings, Barros said he realized that this VFW Post was “no joke.”
“I never thought I’d be the last commander of this post, but here we are,” said Barros. He said it was a “bittersweet” time, speaking first of the bitter and then the sweet. “The sweet part of this is that this property is going to the Town of Marion. This post wouldn’t have had it any different…”
Many in the crowd wiped tears as he spoke, and when Barros called Dickerson up to stand before him at the podium, Dickerson wiped away tears as well.
“Jody, I just want to say it’s been an honor … as a three-time commander of VFW Post 2425, I want to let you know I stand relieved.”
Reverend Warren Washburn gave his own tearful goodbye during the benediction.
“[As we give thanks] to those who have given so much to us, we express our gratitude for their service to our country and to our community,” said Washburn with emotion, “may we, like them, live our lives with similar devotion…”
By Jean Perry