Suit up! The 19th Annual Buzzards Bay Swim isn’t until July 7, 2012, but the deadline to register for free is April 15. After that, participants must pay a small registration fee. The swim is the largest fundraiser organized by the non-profit Buzzards Bay Coalition, which works to preserve the land and water of the South Coast.
“We also have programs to educate the youth and community about the Bay, and their connection to it,” said Rob Hancock, the Coalition’s Vice President for Education and Public Engagement.
Last year, they raised about $113,000. That money goes to help purchase
land for preservation, water cleaning, and testing.
“Last year we had 234 registered swimmers. We’re hoping to pass 250 this year,” Hancock said. Registered swimmers can also have people sponsor them before the race. Participants are asked to raise a minimum of $150.
People don’t have to get their feet wet in order to help out, either. The event is a team effort among the Coalition and the volunteers who help get people signed up, work the refreshment tables at the finish line.
“We have kayakers who accompany some of the swimmers, if they want,” said Hancock. “Twenty years ago, the Bay wasn’t in great shape. This is really a community event a lot of people can participate in and enjoy.”
By Eric Tripoli